The band was formed at the beginning of 2009 as a youth folk music club led by the famous Lithuanian alternative composer Donis until 2012. The band’s name, which essentially means “Life”, was chosen after the writings of the Lithuanian philosopher Vydūnas, who spoke of the importance of the nation’s language, culture and traditions. Gyvata made its first steps on stage with the song “Dolijuta”. In summer 2010 the band played at their first festival Tek saulužė ant maračių (Nida, Lithuania), then quickly gained momentum and began participating at various events, crowned by the annual festival of Baltic culture Mėnuo juodaragis and the modern folk festival Suklegos. The end of 2010 marked the release of a split album with the Belorussian dark-ambient group Pragnavit. The album was dedicated to the 600th anniversary of the Grunwarld Battle. The year 2011 began with even more concerts, new band members and new songs, which were compiled into Gyvata’s first full album Su Vėjužiu Kalbėjau (I Talked with the Wind). The album, characterised by a dreamy sea-side spirit, was successfully introduced in 2012 and re-released in 2017 together with the split released earlier. 2013 marked a new lineup and new songs, it was also the first time for Gyvata to play at Kilkim Žaibu festival and abroad – at Noc Besov festival (Slovakia). Each new member joining the band during 2014-2016 brought in something new, slightly shifting Gyvata’s sound. In the early 2018 the b...
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O jau mano mielas
Lydžiu Laide
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Bernužėli kareivėli
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Bernužėli kareivėli (demo)
Bernuželi Kareivėli
Kam tavo, vilkeli (folk-rock version)
O Jau Mano Mielas (Gyvata)
Dolijuta (Gyvata)
Lydžiu Laide (Gyvata)
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Bernuželi Kareiveli
Bernužėli Kareivėli (Gyvata)
Verpsiu Verpsiu (Gyvata)
Gudo D?da
Linelis (live at Memel-Nord)
Bernu??li kareiv?li (demo)
Bijūnėlis (live at Memel-Nord)
Tamsi tamsi (live at Memel-Nord)
Kam tavo vilkeli
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O Jau Mano Mielas (Lithuanian folk song)
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2011, не знаю названия, к сожалению
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Bernuþëli kareivëli
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