
It all began The story of Heartcry started in the late 1980. Anders Johansson had played with band called “Green sleeves “between -1978 to 1983 and “Johannes “from 1983 to 1989. Anders wanted to try something different so he started to work on a project called”Heartcry”. It was meant to be a solo project and he started out with his old friend DanTibell to do an Album called “come back home” They went to Sodermalm studios in Stockholm and with Kjell Lundstrom they recorded the tracks of the very first Heartcry Album. Kjell Lundstrom had been working in Eagle Mountain Studios in USA and had returned home to Sweden and they liked the way Kjell worked with the songs. The style in that time was more Light- rock and kind of Pop-rock style. The musicians on the album was …Jack Kelly, Drums (he’s tracks were recorded in Texas USA) Jerry Grimaldi Bass. Pelle Petersson, Drums. Dan Tibell, Keyboards and Hammond organ. Irene Myrberg, Backing vocals. 1990 the Record hit the market and were received quite well, played on radio a lot and the Videos “chosen” and “The clown” were shown at some TV stations (made by David Stavenow) The managers to the band failed big time promoting the record and only about 4000 records were sold world wide. After some time trying to get musicians for touring with “project Heartcry” Anders got tired of trying all the time to get it to work, so he formed Heartcry as a Band. The very first lineup was... Anders Johansson, Guitar an...

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