Hexentanz is a ritual ambient group from Ashburn, Virginia, USA. Cain, the Devil in Flesh, stands horned and holding the Trident of Shaitan, summoning his children by the backwards dance of ecstasy. Primal drums and the howling of witches bring each to celebration, passion, and sexual copulation, as the secret gathering of the wise commences. Hexentanz (literally the witches dance) is a collaborative conception between members of The Soil Bleeds Black and Psychonaut 75, venturing to recognize the traditional Witches Sabbath as a reality in the flesh. The music and expression of Hexentanz encompasses the practice of medieval black magic. Composed with actual period instruments, synthetic ritual devices, human bones, and authentic arcane chants of medieval and modern witch cult practice, Hexentanz is a project standing alone in its exploration of archaic music and magic. The art of Hexentanz is conceived within the living tradition of left hand path practice and maintains sincerity with its elucidation of the medieval Witches Sabbat. The debut release of Hexentanz, The Sabbat Comes Softly, was published in 2002 as a high quality limited edition 7 EP portraying several tracks pertinent to the expressions of the band. Their debut CD, Nekrocrafte reinforces the Rites of the Witches Sabbat as a gateway into the Old Ways, expressed in the flesh of the new. Hexentanz is made up of several artists with talents and interests pertaining to a wide variety of themes centered on the ...
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Top Tracks
Midnight Procession
Mark of the Witch
Devil's Mass
Birth Is Through Blood
Profane the Twelve
Dirge to the Deceased
Abjuring the Cross
Binding of Shadows
Bringer of the Luciferian Flame
Asmodeus Rise
The Sabbath Comes Softly
Osculum Infame
Oh, Blessed Beast
Ritual Kiss to Satan
Mysterium sabbati
Devil’s Mass
hexentanz - 02 - a2 - charivari
hexentanz - 03 - b1 - osculum infame
The Sabbat Comes Softly (IlluminatuZ Maleficus Venenum)
hexentanz - 01 - a1 - the sabbat comes softly
hexentanz - 04 - b2 - asmodeus rise
Ritual to kiss Satan
Birth is Through Blood- [vk.com/interesting_music]
HEXENTANZ=02_Mark Of The Witch
Sabbath Comes
Profane Twelve
Devils Mass
HEXENTANZ=04_Birth Is Through Blood
saat & ernte
Bringer of the Luciferian flam
HEXENTANZ=05_Binding Of The Shadows
Binding Of The Shadows
HEXENTANZ=01_Midnight Procession
HEXENTANZ=03_Devil's Mass
HEXENTANZ=07_Bringer Of The Luciferian Flame
HEXENTANZ=06_Profane the Twelve
HEXENTANZ=08_Abjuring the Cross
Unsigned (OrignalMix)
bleibt der erde treu part 1
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