Hi-Fi are one of two groups, the former being a Psytrance duo from Brazil, the latter being a Pop group from Russia which formed in 1998. Hi-Fi (Pop): The acquaintance of the arranger and composer with the producer and author of the lyrics took place long before the official date of the group’s foundation in August 2, 1998. The future founders of Hi-Fi Pavel Esenin and Eric Chanturiya became friends in Novosibirsk, Russia. Using the single sound of the synth, Pavel made Call me, Misha. This track has made the part of the best dance hits in Germany and has given the boost to its master. After a number of successful experiments, the friends decided to create a group. Hi-Fi’s initial lineup was made of Mitya Fomin, Timofey Pronkin and Kseniya Oleshko. In August 2, 1998 in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Hi-Fi began filming the clip for Не Дано. Wearing angel white clothing, the trio looked extremely distinct from the common grey life. The person who had the idea of the group's title also gave the idea to the debut album's cover. Somebody's back in nice lingerie was seen behind the glass of every music store until the day when the last CD was sold. This cover design has been commented by the group's ex-member Oksana: At least, there is an underwear. In 1999, starting from February, the song Беспризорник could be heard five times a day, no matter the radio station. Considering the news leak that the recorded material did not fit on the debut album Первы...
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Не дано
Глупые люди
А мы любили
Седьмой лепесток
Call Me Misha
Про лето
За мной
Черный ворон
Ты прости
Я люблю
Мы не ангелы
Ne nado (Не дано)
Почтовый поезд
Я кричу
Так легко
Чёрный ворон
Glupie ludi (Глупые люди)
Srednya shkola №7 (Средняя школа №7)
Право на счастье
По следам
Все в огонь
Sedmoj lepestok (Седьмой лепесток)
Нам пора
Bombej (Бомбей)
Don't Give Up
Он (запоминай)
Средняя школа №7
Ya lublu (Я люблю)
Сш №7 (а мы любили)
Ne Dano
Все в огонь (песня царевны)
А дождь на окнах рисует
Время не властно
Pro leto (Про лето)
В последний раз
Не дано (remix)
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