Hromovlad is a Slavic pagan black metal band from Slovakia. The band's themes deal with the Slavic gods, forests and pagan honour. They formed in 2003 and are still active today. Their first full-length album was Vládca Lesov, Skalných Stien, released in 2005. In November 2007 they issued a new album called Ohňa hlad, vody chlad Full history of the band: 2003 26.XI.2003 – Beelphegor (guitars, vocals, programming) and Mathias (guitars) create their own band – Hromovlad. 2004 After some problems with rehearsal places has been finally recorded (august 2004) first instrumental promostuff titled as „Promo 2004 – instrumental version“. One month later, Mysticus (bass) joined the band. In october 2004 has been recorded three track material „Krv z pôdy zrodená“ destined for 3way split Algor/Korium/Hromovlad called „Heathen Brotherhood“. 2005 In january 2005 this split „Heathen Brotherhood“ was released through Krutoslav Productions (R.I.P.) In april Hromovlad records in rehearsal room tape with unofficial promo material „Rehearsal 2“ that include some tracks for prepared debut album. 16.VII.2005 – the first small concert in Energy Pub with bands D.Chorals, Morsat and Korium – Zilina, Slovakia In october 2005 Hromovlad went to Vrana studio to record their first full-lenght album. This album is finally recorded with live drummer Slavfist from Algor. From this moment is Slavfist fourth member of Hromovlad. 17.X.2005 – the second gig of Hromovl...
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Bolo i nebolo
Ohňa hlad, vody chlad
Zabudnutý sen
Posledný z posledných
Lesom i časom
Nárek stromov
Vládca Lesov, Skalných Stien
Žiť Stromom
V Objatí Stromov
Triste Est Mori
Víťazstvo noci
Balada Skazy
Tiene Minulosti
Vitazstvo Noci
Bytosti Lesné
V ohni zhynie ľudský tvor
V Ohni Zhynie Ludsky Tvor
Hrom Do Toho!
Vodou život prekvitá
Dotyk Ohňa
Len Málo Vetru Odolá
V černi zeme ukryté
Tvare zivlov
Hrom Do Toho !
Tvare Zivlov Zimnych Dni
Tváre Živlov Zimných Dní
Krv z pôdy zrodená
V ziari hviezd
Ohnom Vojny Spalena Zem
Vi'tazstvo Noci
Tva're Zivlov Zimny'ch Dni'
Tváre Živlov
V Ohni Zhynie Ludsky' Tvor
Černá svatozář
08 Helmhold (Cast I)
V žiari hviezd
Víazstvo noci
Lesom i èasom
Ohòa hlad, vody chlad
Ohnom vojny...
V ohni zhynie ?udský tvor
Tváre ivlov zimných dní
Ohňom vojny spálená zem
V ohni zhynie ¾udský tvor
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