Inocentes was born in August of 1981, formed by three former members of Corps Conductors, punk band that lasted from 1979 to 81, Antonio Carlos Calegari (guitar), Marcelino Gonzales (drums) and Clemente (bass), this, the More experienced, since he had already played in Residos de Nada, one of the first punk bands from São Paulo, which he helped found in 1978, along with Douglas Viscaino. The three called the rookie Mauricio to take on the vocals. It was not long before Inocentes was featured on the São Paulo scene and invited to join Cholera and Olho Seco to participate in the compilation Grito Suburbano, the first sound record of Brazilian punk bands, released by Punk Rock Records in 1982 . With the explosion of the São Paulo punk movement throughout Brazil, Inocentes achieved national projection and became one of its mouthpieces. A manifesto written by Clemente for the magazine Galery Around, from which came the phrase We are here to revolutionize Brazilian popular music, to paint from black to white, to delay the eleven o'clock, to step on the flowers of Geraldo Vandré and Make Amelia a woman of any , caused the impact of a punch in the stomach. They became characters in the video documentary Garotos do Subúrbio, directed by Fernando Meirelles (Cidade de Deus), and screened at MASP in 1982, and the short film Panic in SP directed by Mario Dalcéndio Jr. Same year, with a new singer, Ariel Uliana Jr., participate in the anthological festival The Beginning of the End of...
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(Salvem) El Salvador
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