The idea of modern sinister lethal weapon is now born. Five people and the ultimate weapon ready to unleash aggression, destruction, depravity and all of crying children fears...And then throw them all into mighty fog of IPERYT!! A powerful mixture of furious black metal strongly established in its almost forgotten roots, a touch of death/grind attitude towards guitars and all thrown into the wall of noise from hell called extreme terror hardcore techno. Such a sick innovation could only be delivered by most uncommon, perverted and psychotic minds gathered together in only one purpose. The purpose of dark art, demolition, devastation and, without any doubt, strong-hearted consignment. Iperyt – the band – offers no excuses, asks no compromises and wants nothing but pure extreme emotions. With Iperyt’s first demo entitled PARTICULAR HATRED, which brings four massive and powerful tracks, the band proves that raw black metal, sick melodies and ultra-fast terrorcore bassdrums can be united under one evil flag. That’s the next step in hellish and brutal, yet still considered and intelligent sound. No matter how you call it: music, noise, metal, terror techno or so on, one thing is certain: IPERYT is prepared to be used. What’s more: it will be used. Sooner than you imagine. So whether you like it or not, you’d better be prepared! Because IPERYT takes no prisoners of war. In the world where extreme terror meets raw black metal where there’s no good or evil where ...
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Top Tracks
Adoration of Social Demise
Transgression of Inhumanity
Calm Regained
The Silent Murderer
Scorched Earth Creed
Filthy Criminals
Let's Fucking Rejoice
Abuse You
Totalitarian Love Pulse
Superior Breed
Particular Hatred
No State Of Grace
Scars Are Sexy
The Black Emperor
Antihuman hate Generator
Experimentum Crucis
A Pocket Size Of Armageddon
The Antithesis
Blades Of Malice & Scorn
Keep Your Eyes Closed
Into The Mouth Of Madness
Nuclear Mornings
The Player
In Morbid Rapture
Freed From Failure
Abuse You Fucking Christ
03 Abuse You Fucking Christ
Personal Shocker
Particular Hatred (Lyrics in Description)
Enter Baal
doci.nnm.ru_mad_max_Transgression Of Inhumanity
Merciless Tyrant
Let's ****ing Rejoice
Blades of Malice Scorn
001 The Black Emperor
Particular Hatred - The Black Emperor (3:50)
002 A.V.M.D.
2. A.V.M.D.
IPERYT - The Antithesis
004 Experimentum Crucis
The Black Empreror
Totalitarian Love Pulse - Scorched Earth Creed (2:21)
Particular Hatred - A.V.M.D. (4:06)
Particular Hatred - Experimentum Crucis (3:53)
Transgression of Imhumanit
Antihuman Pain Generator
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