J.B.O. (founded in 1989) is a German metal/rock band with comedy lyrics. They are especially known for their parody cover versions of famous songs. The name, originally James Blast Orchester, was meant as a parody of a German easy listening act named James Last Orchestra. They had their first concert in October '89 on a newcomer festival in their hometown Erlangen, Franconia. From the start meant as a comedy rock act, the setlist consisted mostly of cover versions of evergreens with new funny lyrics. The line-up: Hannes 'G.Laber' Holzmann, guitar/vocals Vito C., guitar/vocals Schmitti, bass Holmer 'a Bier' Graap, drums The first five years the band was only a side project. All members tried to be successful with other bands. At least they were able to earn their money with playing music. 1994 one Song of J.B.O. Ein guter Tag zum Sterben (a perfect day to die) was on rotation on the local radio station. As it was only a demo-tape but more and more people asked for a CD, J.B.O. decided to get this done. They recorded their first CD in one day and two nights. It was the EP Eine gute CD zum Kaufen (a perfect CD to buy) which sold pretty good for a local act. The next EP Blastphemie was just an Xmas present for the fans. The real strike came in 1995 with their first longplayer Explizite Lyrik. The title is a word by word translation of the parental advisory sticker which can be translated as bold poetry. There were 20 Tracks with all the hits of the first five years of J.B.O...
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Top Tracks
Ein guter Tag zum Sterben
Walk With an Erection
Gimme Doop Joanna
Mei Alde is' im Playboy drin
Ich liebe Dir
Roots Bloody Roots
Ejaculatio Praecox
Schlaf Kindlein, Schlaf
Ein Fest
Mir sta'dd'n etz die Feier
Der Hofnarr
Verteidiger des Blödsinns
Eistee's Mainzelcount
Ich will Lärm
Wem nutzt das schon
Schlumpfozid im Stadtgebiet
Symphonie der Verstopfung
Im Verkehr
Eins Zwei Drei
Wir sind die Champignons
Rosa Armee Fraktion
Sex Sex Sex
Bums Bums Bums Bums
Hose runter!
Satan ist wieder da
Ka Alde, ka G'Schrei
Der Spatz in der Hand
Elter Schelter
Faulheit siegt
Du bringst mich um
Die Scheiße
Der Star Track
Heidi Heido Heida
Sound Trek
Head Bang Boing
Liebe ist süß
Skorpione - Vom Winde verdreht
United States of Blöedsinn
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