Jakalope caught a lot of people off-guard when producer Dave Ogilvie rolled out his industrial pop hybrid back in 2004. Although the producer is a soft-spoken gentleman and father in real life, his work nonetheless precedes him, instilling a subtle sense of trepidation in anyone who’s perused a CV that includes Skinny Puppy, Ministry, Nine Inch Nails, and Marilyn Manson among others… who knew that the Vancouver-based studio-boffin was as much a sucker for a good pop song as he was an architect of some of the darkest, fin-de-millennium sonic nightmare-scapes to infect popular culture since avant-gardists like Throbbing Gristle gave up trying? “There’s a Michael Jackson influence,” confesses the producer/composer/musician with a gentle chuckle, about the third Jakalope album. “I made a conscious effort to look into the type of stuff I enjoy, so there’s a very heavy Jackson-factor in there, as well as a bit of a Donna Summer-thing going on.” It’s one of the tastier ironies of Ogilvie’s catalogue that the pulsating influence of Donna Summer’s disco-synth svengali Giorgio Moroder is already felt in some of the more outré work he’s done in the past – albeit shrouded in night terrors – but it’s also no surprise. “Moroder’s stuff was very influential in everybody’s world,” he says, “but especially for me, with Moroder being the first to do a lot of electronic stuff. I always had a very weak spot for that, and loved to be able to emulate that...
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Pretty Life
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Tell Me Why
Go Away
Come On
Don't Cry
Light After Night
Upside Down
Nothing Nowhere
Creeper (Coming for You)
Digging Deep
Anthem 2
Throw It Away
Code 4 Love
House of Trepidation
Forecast 42
Get It Back
Something New
Star 24 (No Apologies)
Upside Down (And I Fall)
Unsaid (Duet With Jeremy Fisher)
Pretty Life (The Respirator Remix)
Creeper -newest
No Shame
Baby Blue
I Wanna
Last Song Tonight
Feel It -newest
Don't Cry -newest
Dusk Til Dawn
Lift After Night -newest
Pretty Life (CHR Remix)
Screecher -newest
Pretty Life (Death Remix)
Come On -newest
Go Away -newest
Badream -newest
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