There multiple artists with this name. 1) Experimental noise artist from Christchurch, New Zealand. Also known as yeongrak. jocelyne.bandcamp.com 2) 60s pop vocalist from France. With her gutsy vocal delivery, teenage singer Jocelyne was France’s answer to Brenda Lee. In true yé-yé girl style, she enjoyed successes with covers of international hits and a sprinkling of original compositions. She was born Jocelyne Journo on 14 August 1951 in Tunisia. Her family moved back to France while she was still a young girl, and settled in Champs-sur-Marne, in the Parisian suburbs. Her potential was spotted by Mya Simille, the lyricist for French rock star Dick Rivers and she was offered a contract with the Polydor label at the age of just 12. Her vocal delivery drew comparisons – all justified – with that of American star Brenda Lee. She released her first EP in February 1964, which included the songs La vie c’est bon and Il a tout pour lui, a cover of American singer Darlene Love’s Fine, fine boy. The release was promoted on television and in live performances. But it was her second EP that was to make her name. Interestingly, the release, issued in July 1964, saw the Brenda Lee soundalike cover a Brenda Lee song and take the French record-buying public by storm. It included Le dimanche et le jeudi, a cover of Little Miss Dynamite’s Lonely, lonely, lonely me, and J’ai changé de pays, a version of the Jackie de Shannon-penned Heart in hand. Her third EP led wi...
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La La La La La
Nitty Gritty
a la fin tu gagneras
Nitty Gritty [Shirley Ellis cover] [1965]
À La Fin Tu Gagneras
La Vie C'est Bon
Je Suis Seule
Non Plus Comme Avant
Le Ciel Ne Lui A Rien Donné
elle me l'a volé
Le Dimanche Et Le Jeudi
Il A Tout Pour Lui
Les Garcons
quelqu'un d'autre
mais ça valait la peine
j'avais un grand ami
Et Je T'ai Vu
allez pleurer sans moi
j'ai oublié
reviendra-t-il encore
Les Garçons
chantons plus fort
Les Garçons (Boys Boys)
C'est Le Moment
moi je veux croire à l'amour
Oui J'ai Peur
Tu n'as pas de coeur
On Pretend Que J'ai Pleure
Chaque Fois Que Je Rêve
Il sera a moi
Oui je crois a la vie
On Prétend Que J'ai Pleuré
Chaque fois que je reve
Où Serons-Nous Demain
Il Sera à Moi
J'ai change de pays
J'ai Changé De Pays
Moi je veux croire a l'amour
Ou Serons-Nous Demain?
Nitty Gritty - [in French]
Le Dimanche Et Le Jeudi (Lonely, Lonely, Lonely Me)
Il A Tout Pour Lui (Find Find Boy)
Oui J'ai Peur (Is It True)
Reviendra-t-il encore ?
c'est le moment (don't tell me your troubles)
Il Sera À Moi (Until You're Mine)
La Fin Tu Gagneras
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