Can be: 1. Dutch Trance Artist (Randy Joubert) 2. Romanian Hip-Hop band 3. Brazilian Heavy Metal band 4.A Swedish Heavy Metal band 5. Serbian neofolk/neoclassical violinist Ana Katić 1. Dutch Trance Artist (Randy Joubert) Biography Randy Joubert born in St. Maarten (Netherlands Antilles on the 14th of March 1965) Katana is the founder of Jinx Records and also the first artist to release records on this label; with tracks like Sexual Intimidation and Erotmania. ----After producing singles as Katana and afterwards producing under the names DJ Randy and Antic, he devoted all his time in a Dutch Record-company: BPM Dance (a.k.a. webshop Only-DJ's.com). In 2001 Katana decided to start producing again, releasing tracks like Fancy Fair and Gemini. 2. Romanian Hip-Hop band Biography Dupa o discutie ce nu isi propunea ceea ce avea sa urmeze, pe 07.04.2004, menthoru si No Mo' pun bazele trupei KaTaNa. La acea vreme experienta celor 2 componenti se reducea la foarte multa muzica ascultata si cateva battle-uri si freestyle-uri publicate pe diverse forumuri. Asemanarea de gusturi in materie de muzica a dus la alegerea numelui trupei. De aici pana la prima semnata KaTaNa a fost doar un pas. Ronin este o piesa ce a fost compusa intr-un ritm alert. Ideile nu conteneau sa apara, rimele se legau si astfel a aparut piesa ce poate fi considerata un adevarat simbol de identitate pentru formatie. Printr-un concurs de imprejurari, KaTaNa ajunge in anturajul label-ului Hades Records si la nu...
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Top Tracks
Livin' Without Fear
Phoenix On Fire
Heart of Tokyo
Blade of Katana
One Solid Wave (Sam Sharp Mix)
Neverending World
Tribal Shock
Asia In Sight
Across the Stars
Rebel Ride
Quest for Hades
Wrath of the Emerald Witch
The Reaper
Kubilai khan
City On the Edge of Forever
The Samurai Returns
In the Land of the Sun
Fancy Fair
No Surrender
The Gambit
Modesty Blaise
Tribal Shock - Radio Edit
The Wisdom of Emond´s Field
Tribal shock (A13)
Fancy Fair (original mix)
Tribal Shock (Perry O'Neil Remix)
Feels Like Magic
Silence (Signum Radio Vocal)
Tribal Shock - Original Mix
Pioni de sacrificiu
Shaman Queen
Silence (Radio Edit By Signum)
Alter ego
Sexual Intimidation
Dukkha - Radio Edit
Nuclear War
Kingdom Never Come
Dulce Vita (Fancy Fair remix)
Génération fuck tout
De ce taci
Erotmania (Hardfloor Remix)
Within An Inch Of Your Life
Inca visez
Mark Of The Beast
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