There are 2 artists named Kazan 1. Steve (bass guitar) - Julien (guitar/vocals) - Judicaël (guitar) - Vincent (drums) - Pierre-mathieu (vocals) Born on November 2005, we're a diy-band playing something like hardcore/post hardcore (with wide influences like Converge, Envy, Neurosis or Curl up and die .. if we have to give names ..). Angry and melodic music, sometimes heavy, sometimes fast, with 3 screaming vocals (you'll have a better idea by listening to our stuff, which may be much more useful than reading this bio). After a free demo and about 60 gigs across France and Europe, we've released our first cd (a split with friends from After taste) in September 2008. We don't belong to any scene, we just believe in friends. We support alternative subcultures, squats, tolerance and eurodance after-parties. 2. Kazan is a vocal and instrumental ensemble founded 2013 in Zagreb, Croatia. The music that the band creates a combination of various genres, inspired by the motifs of traditional music, primarily from the Croatian, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia. In November 2013 they released their first EP. They are currently working on material for an album studijskiu. Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
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Jour après jour
Être et (s)Avoir - part II
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Кtre et (s)Avoir - part I
Кtre et (s)Avoir - part II
Derniиres nouvelles
Dieu soit loué
Ma vie c’est du lourd
Ętre et (s)Avoir - part I
Ętre et (s)Avoir - part II
Give Me Your Heart - Original Extended Version
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Le Rythme Du Tombeau
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02 / AudioTrack 01
Gondže ružo
02 - So Say We All
Muerte a vampiros
03 - Jour après jour
Nie Podawaj Się Za Kogoś, Kim Nie Jesteś
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