Komety are a Polish alternative group. The trio's line-up: Lesław (vocals, guitar, music and lyrics), Santiago (bass) and Miko (drums). In October 2002, Przemysław Wojcieszek's film Louder than Bombs appeared in cinemas featuring Komety playing themselves and performing several of their songs. In March 2003, Jimmy Jazz records released Komety's début album. It's release took place at the same time in Western Europe and the USA. After hundreds of concerts and appearances on numerous television music shows, the group began working on a new album which they started recording in spring 2005. In July 2005, the single Miasto turystów (Tourist City) appeared to promote the group's second record. In August 2005 the album Via Ardiente appeared, as did singles containing the songs Bezsenne noce (Sleepless Nights), To samo miejsce (The Same Place) and Ostatnie lato XX wieku (The Last Summer of the 20th Century). Bezsenne noce was voted the sixth best song of 2005 by listeners of Polish Radio 3's Program Alternatywny show. In autumn 2005, Komety went on a concert tour of Poland which ended on 24th November 2005 with a live performance at the studios of Polish Radio 3. Compilations containing Komety's songs have appeared in the USA, France, Finland, Germany, Japan and Russia. An English-language version of Via Ardiente was released in February 2006. Also in 2006, a compilation CD - Komety 2004-2006, containing previously unreleased and rare material, was released. In 2007 Kom...
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Top Tracks
Miasto turystów
To samo miejsce
Ostatnie lato XX wieku
Blue Moon
Nuda Nuda Nuda
Lonely Sky
Love At First Bite
Gdzie Ona Jest?
Bezsenne noce
Graveyard Stroll
Tak Czy Nie
Krol Flipperow
Spotkajmy się pod koniec sierpnia
Wyglądasz Źle
Traktuj mnie źle
Nie wiem
Tak czy nie?
Ursynów Calling
W Pułapce
Anna jest szpiegiem
Zabierz Mnie Do Domu
W dżinsach i w swetrze
Wreszcie w ciąży
Po Drugiej Stronie
Krzywe Nogi
Running Wild
Via Ardiente
April Rain
Król Flipperów
El Ringo
Get Out Of My Life
Eyes of green
Aztec Gold
Nie Ufaj Nikomu
Tak Mi Źle
Nikt Nie Kupuje Twoich Płyt
Kieszonkowiec Darek 2006
Nobody To Love
Ze wsi do miasta
Dla Ciebie nie istnieję
Warszawa I Ja
Your cheating heart
Kieszonkowiec Darek
My Rifle, My Pony And Me
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