A true rags-to-...not quite riches story, homelessness, crazy road stories, ragtag touring...self-sacrifice for music. Read further 4 some background; in the meantime, consider checking out full catalogue at: **INTERACTIVE ALBUM at Kroakers' new site - name yr price, get custom-mixed trax, help decide what trax make the record in final mix - http://kroakers.bandcamp.com (please feed the artists - min $.25 track/2.33CD/dig d/l)** YOU get to decide what makes it! An astounding level of interactivity! We also will turn your poetry or song lyrics into music, like a custom T-shirt, only much better, and nothing's off-limits. This is still our album; we'll decide on mixes, will be primarily our content for final release after mixdown, but your song will be your song, and you can customize the band's sound for your CD; i.e. bring the bass up on that or whatever....it's experimental, and we're trying to blur the line between artist/audience in a way which we're not aware that anyone's done quite this way before. Visit the site and email, turn your words into dreams - they may even make the album, or at least compilations/remixes! The story of the band Kroakers is a true rags-to-riches story (and no, it's not one the band would describe as the mythical, intangible and always-elusive so-called American Dream), from experiencing homelessness on the street donating plasma and working day-labor to survive, to pulling off improbable tours (at first on the West Coast, eventually ex...
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Top Tracks
Vicodin (Black Beauty pt. 2)
Molten Nerves
Black Beauty
Racing in Circles
Broke Free
Roll Over (preview new single)
Hot Caballo
Instant Meltdown
You Are My Sickness
Money Buys Luv
Gentle Giant (B-side, boombox rec)
Mission: Delete the Orgasm (Rubber Dance)
Rubber Dance
Gentle Giant
Honey Cloud
Darkness Rising
CumPuter Luv
Money Buys Luv (drum remix)
Mission: Delete the Orgasm reprise
Roll Over (preview)
Long Wave Rodeo
Mission: Delete the Orgasm
You Are My Sickness - Vox n FX
Money Buys Luv (1st drum mix)
Vy Code In (Black Beauty pt. 2)
You Are My Sickness (fx)
Honey Cloud (bass version)
Silhouette Against The Sky
Silhouette Against The Sky (Morose Remix)
Honey Cloud (pre-bass)
Deserted (Espanol skrewed mashup)
Vicodin (Black Beauty pt. II)
Silhouette Against The Sky rev
what the fuck collab
what the fuckvox
VVVicodin (Black Beauty Pt. 2)
Silhouette (Against The Sky)
Roll Over
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