Kroda (also sometimes written as Крода) is a pagan folk / Black Metal band from Lviv, Ukraine formed by Eisenslav and Viterzgir in 2003. They describe their music as True Ukrainian Heathen Metal and their lyrics deal with themes like nature, paganism and history, as well as anti-Christianity. Although starting as a studio project, Kroda became a live band in 2007, drafting in musicians from Ruina to flesh out what was a two-man lineup. Despite several protests by the band to the cotnrary, they are often considered part of the National Socialist Black Metal scene by the fans of the genre. The band members themselves have stated that Kroda's lyrics DO NOT contain any political appeals or proclamations! On the 14th of February, 2005, they published their first release, Cry to Me, River..., on Stellar Winter Records (Russia) and Rarog Production (Ukraine). This was then followed by a split-album with the Russian band Oprich, Legend (And Poppyflowers are Blossoming), on the 26th of April of the same year, and 3 months later on the 20th of July by their second full-length Towards the Firmaments Verge of Life.... Due to the creative disagreements author of Kroda’s music and visual conception Viterzgir left the band in 2010; he later formed the folk metal band Viter. Eisenslav continued for awhile as Kroda's sole member, but other members were eventually drafted again for live performances and now are considered official members of the band. Many of the band's releases hav...
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Top Tracks
Funeral of the Sun
Glacial Riders of Fimbulvinter
Похорон сонця
Native Land
Endless Path of Legends
Hoarfrost of Blood
A Stormride (BRANIKALD cover)
Schwarzpfad I (First Snow)
Schwarzpfad II (Universal Provenances)
Вітер з гір (весна йде)
Поплач мені, річко... (зрада князя володимира)
Schwarzpfad IV (Heil Ragnarok!)
The Beginning of Whiter Night of Oskorei
Where Brave Warriors Shalt Meet Again
Schwarzpfad V (Cold Aurora)
Where The Peace And Calm Were Immortalized
Schwarzpfad III (Forefather of Hangmen)
Poppyflowers are Blossoming (Chapter II)
From behind the horizon
Apocalypse (Hypocrisy Cover)
Gnarled Cudgels of Thunder
Cry To Me, River...
...Where Brave Warriors Shalt Meet Again
На Крилах Шторму
A memory in blood
By a Hammer of Spirit and Identity of Blood
Чорні Хребти Карпат
Приданий бесконечный путь
The Day of May in Blazing Circle
Штрига Повні
Falcon among the cliffs
Pathways of fate
Ghosts Of Birds
Poppyflowers are Blossoming (Chapter I)
Навій Схрон
The Beginning of Winter Night, of Oskorei
Иней крови
Seid Runar Flammer
Прірва Себе
Где увековечен был мир и покой
Der Scharlachrote Tod
Туманом Снігової Імли
Нічного Неба Очі
Gnarled gudgels of thunder
Долі шляхи
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