There are several artists named Kyo, and they share with one page. 1) Band: Since Yvelines College where the two brothers Fabien and Florian Dubos and their two friends Nicolas Chassagne and Benoît Poher discovered that they shared the same passion for Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Rage, Soundgarden... and the graphic universe of Japanese mangas, Kyo has existed. The four boys honed their talents in concerts at schools and various venues in the Paris area. In 97, they met their future manager, who, convinced of their potential, got the band their first contract with Sony edition. The professional adventure was set in concrete with their entry as the first local signature in the Jive/repertory Zomba France. 2003 was definitely KYO's year. The French pop quartet was nominated numerous times at NRJ's annual music awards, winning best French album, song, and group of the year honors. All the hubbub was over when KYO's second album, Le Chemin (The Way), and its title track/lead single, which dominated the European charts all year and made stars out of the four photogenic fellows from Paris. Nicolas Chassagne, Benoît Poher, and brothers Florian Dubos and Fabien Dubos had already made a splash with their self-titled début in 2000, but it was the textured, slightly electronicized pop of Le Chemin -- a duet with Dutch songstress Sita -- that really established their slick, Depeche Mode-meets-BBMak sound. 2)Solo artist: 京 (Kyo) is a current member of Dir en grey, has also released his ow...
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Top Tracks
Je Cours
Dernière Danse
Le Chemin
Je Saigne Encore
Tout Envoyer En L'Air
Chaque Seconde
Ce Soir
Comment Te Dire
Qui Je Suis
Sad Day
Dans Ma Chair
Sur Nos Lèvres
Le Graal
C'Est Ma Faute
Je te vends mon âme
L'Assaut Des Regards
Tout reste à faire
Je Te Rêve Encore
Je Te Vends Mon Ame
Il Est Temps
Poupées russes
Derniere danse
Je Te Reve Encore
Je N'Veux Pas Oublier
Mes Racines Et Mes Ailes
C'Est Pas Juste
Fermons Les Yeux
Un Sourire Aux Anges
Comme Le Monde Est Grand
Tout Reste A Faire
Telle Est Ma Prière
Une derniere danse
Comme Des Frères
Enfant du solstice
Nuits blanches
Les vents contraires
White Trash
Le chemin (feat. Sita)
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