Sounds move with curious steps in the music of Lapalux, the solo project of Essex's Stuart Howard. His IDM and hip-hop influenced beat collages unfold like individual short stories, their layered tones playing into your emotions. The thud of bass pulses throughout his tracks, a steady stream of heartbeats that rise in and fall reaction to the excitement, the trepidation and the moments of calm reflection set by the marriage of vocal samples and experimental beatmaking. Listened to in succession, Howard’s material is a collection of individual moods, bound into a volume that could easily be titled, What It Feels Like To Be A Human. *In a world in which upstart DiY talent is flooding the gates of electronic music, a few recent voices have been so strong as to be startling. Lapalux - AKA 25-year-old Stuart Howard - is certainly one such. As singular as a brilliant artist always should be, his instinctive understanding of the atmospheric power of texture grips the ear immediately on listening. 'Nostalchic' is his debut album, mission statement, and the climax of many years of studying his craft. The amalgam of words that make the title is aptly, and perhaps knowingly chosen. The album evokes nostalgia without ever sounding nostalgic, and Howard may have had his tongue in his chic when he added the second half of the title. The album is his most focused document to date, adding his beloved R&B and soul into elements of house and hip hop, all with the trademark Lapalux finish; i...
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Gutter Glitter
There Are Monsters in This Bed
Don't Mean a Thing
Without You
Quick Kiss
Time Spike Jamz
Kelly Brook
Swallowing Smoke
102 Hours of Introductions
Straight Over My Head
Construction Deconstruction
Yellow 90's
The Dead Sea
Cousin If
Walking Words
Time, Patience, Everything
Face Down, Eyes Shut
Sister Pick
Forgetting and Learning Again
One Thing
IAMSYS (Tape Intro)
Jaw Jackin'
Make Money
We Lost
Strangling You With the Cord
Push N' Spun
Moments (feat. Py)
Closure (feat. Szjerdene)
IAMSYS - Tape Intro
Close Call / Chop Cuts
Without You (ft. Kerry Leatham)
Sum body
Without You (feat. Kerry Leatham)
Funny Games
Midnight Peelers
U Never Know
Autumn (Tape Interlude)
One Thing (feat. Jenna Andrews)
Puzzle (feat. Andreya Triana)
Movement I, II & III
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