Lax'n'busto is a Catalan rock band from El Vendrell. They became famous when they were in high school and recorded a song about their maths teacher, who sued them and took them to court. Their first single was Carme Falvià, which is one of their most famous hits although it cannot be found anywhere in the market and it is never performed in concerts. Their second big hit is Tinc fam de tu, inspired in a killer who ate his victim after his crime. Their third hit, which made them a very popular band everywhere in Catalonia was Miami beach, a cynical song about the fascination with the United States that some Catalan people had in the 80's. The band has evolved since then and nowadays its members are big rock'n'roll musicians. In 2006, lead singer Pemi Fortuny left the band to create a radio station in Sierra Leone, currently he lives in Costa Rica. In 2007 the group found a new vocalist, Salva Racero, singer and actor from theatre. The first record of this new stage is called Relax, their hardest album so far, as their manager decided to make it a live recording. Members: * Salva Racero - Lead vocals * Pemi Rovirosa - Guitar & back-up vocals * Jesús Rovira - Bass & back-up vocals * Christian G. Montenegro - Guitar & back-up vocals * Jimmy Pinyol - Drums & back-up vocals * Eduard Font - Piano & Keyboards Former members: * Pemi Fortuny Soler: vocals & guitars. [born in Vendrell on 16th Sept. 1965, he left Lax'n'Busto on 20th Oct 2006.] Discogr...
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Top Tracks
La meva terra és el mar
Trepitja fort
Més que la meva sang
Amb tu
Les nits del Liceu
Miami Beach
Tinc fam de tu
Per una copa
Que boig el món
Emiliano Zapata
Cada cop
Mes que la Meva Sang
Han trucat
T'estimo Molt
Una altra vegada
No vaig triar
Mai diguis mai a un mai
Tu ets la llum
no és massa tard
Toca'm els ous Maria
Toc de plor
Ella i el seu fill
Si te'n vas
Vas tot sol
Aquesta nit
Cel del Nord
És per tu
No sé pas com
Si Tu Vols
Faran de tu un heroi
Blues Del Diumenge
Dolça és la sal
Quan és fosc
Clau de no
Poder tocar-te
Veig, Sento I Penso
El pintor visionari
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