Liederjan is a North German folk group. The group Tramps & Hawkers first sang Irish folk songs, but in the early 1970s they turned to German folk songs. The group Liederjan emerged from this in 1975. The group sang almost forgotten songs, later their own songs. The trio used sometimes unusual plucked and stringed instruments and harmony singing. In 1985 Liederjan was awarded the German Cabaret Prize and in 1991 the Audience Award Garchinger Kleinkunstmaske. Apart from the occasional participation of various guest musicians in their record productions, Liederjan always formed a trio, which at the time of its foundation consisted of Anselm Noffke, Jörg Ermisch and Jochen Wiegandt. While the first two formed the permanent core for more than 25 years, the third man was changed several times over the years. Rainer Prüss, Edzard Wagenaar, Wolfgang Rieck, Jürgen Leo, Klaus Irmscher and, until the end of 2015, Michael Lempelius played with Liederjan. With the death of Anselm Noffke on 14 December 2003, the group lost one of its two remaining founders three years after its 25th stage anniversary. However, at his request and that of his fellow musicians at the time, Liederjan continued. Anselm Noffke's place in the trio was taken by a woman, Hanne Balzer, for the first time in the group's history, so that the joking name Germany's oldest boy group that had arisen before lost its basis. In this composition, Liederjan, which according to its current self-description has been a mu...
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Lustig, lustig ihr lieben Brüder
Es brennt
Die Moorsoldaten
Fünf Söhne
Schnitter Tod
Das Kassler Verschüttlied
Mönch im Nonnenkloster
Lustig, Lustig
Hoch lebe der Mann mit dem Hut
Bauer und Kalb
Herr und Knecht
Drei Gesellen
Es hätt ein Biedermann ein Weib
O König von Preußen
Der Bettelvogt / Krakowiak
Oh, was wird denn meine Mutter sagen
Inßbrügg, ick moth dy laten
Wem hammse de krone jeklaut
Wiegenlieder I
tripp - trapp
Das erwachte Bewusstsein
Der Lumpensammler
Auf dem Tanzboden
Der Distelbaum
Michels Abendlied
Das Blatt wendet sich / Hopp Marjannche
Ballade von der Unzulänglichkeit menschlichen Seins
Oh, sore Winter
Das erwachte Bewußtsein
Ergo bibamus
Die Herren Generale
Das Seifenlied
Lustig, lustig, ihr lieben Brüder
Die Krauter bei jetzigen Zeiten
Ich bin ein junges Weibchen
Der Hut
Die Lippischen Schützen
Der Lindenschmid
Papst und Sultan
Ballade von der Unzulänglickeit menschlichen Seins
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