Lordi is a Finnish hard rock band, formed in 1992 by the band's lead singer, songwriter and costume maker, Mr Lordi (Tomi Petteri Putaansuu). In addition to their melodic metal music, Lordi are also known for wearing monster masks and using horror elements with pyrotechnics during concerts and music videos. The band rose to fame in 2002 with their hit single Would You Love a Monsterman?, and won the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 with their song Hard Rock Hallelujah. Lordi has toured and recorded actively since 2002, and Mr Lordi upgrades the band's costumes and masks for each album. The band has gone through several line-up changes, but original members Mr Lordi and guitarist Amen are still active with the band. Members of Lordi have stated their desire for their unmasked faces to remain private. Lordi was formed in 1992 as a solo project by Mr Lordi. Lordi's very first demo album Napalm Market was done in 1993. The album included a song Inferno, which also got a music video, all done by Mr Lordi. In the music video Mr Lordi performed unmasked but he had made monster make-up for his friends who played secondary role in the video. After the video was done, Mr Lordi got an idea of a band of monsters. Inferno was later released in Finnish Rockmurskaa compilation album in 1995. In 1996 Mr Lordi organized a Kiss cruise for Finnish Kiss fans from Finland to Sweden. During the cruise he met musicians Amen and G-Stealer, and told them about his music project called Lordi. After the ...
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Top Tracks
Hard Rock Hallelujah
Devil Is A Loser
Blood Red Sandman
Would You Love a Monsterman
It Snows in Hell
Good to Be Bad
They Only Come Out at Night
My Heaven Is Your Hell
The Deadite Girls Gone Wild
Who's Your Daddy
Get Heavy
The Kids Who Wanna Play With the Dead
Icon Of Dominance
Not The Nicest Guy
Rock The Hell Outta You
The Night of the Loving Dead
The Children Of The Night
Wake The Snake
Last Kiss Goodbye
Biomechanic man
Shotgun Divorce
Hellbender Turbulence
Dynamite Tonite
Monster Monster
Bringing Back the Balls to Rock
SCG3 Special Report
Forsaken Fashion Dolls
Chainsaw Buffet
Bring It On
Pet The Destroyer
Fire in the Hole
Who's Your Daddy?
Supermonstars (The Anthem Of The Phantoms)
The Chainsaw Buffet
Magistra Nocte
Scarctic Circle Gathering
Bite It Like A Bulldog
Theatrical Trailer
This Is Heavy Metal
Hardrock Hallelujah
Would You Love a Monsterman?
Threatical Trailer
Haunted Town
Girls Go Chopping
Bring It On (The Raging Hounds Return)
Monsters Keep Me Company
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