There are at least three bands with the name Lungbutter: 1) Montréal trio Lungbutter serves up an exhilarating and relentless barrage of astringent noise-punk driven by the ferociously wide-screen tri-amped guitar squall of Kaity Zozula, the brawny pummel of Joni Sadler's drums, and the wry subliminal/phenomenological sing-speak of vocalist Ky Brooks. http://lungbuttermtl.bandcamp.com/ http://miserylovesco.bandcamp.com/album/lungbutter-mands 2) Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada - 1996 www.garbagecity.com See Actual Lungbutter Lungbutter went under ground for a time. Rumour has it, they were being pursued by numerous authoritarian agencies for acts nefarious in nature. They re-appeared in the fall of 2009, with the elevated demarcation of Actual Lungbutter. This was necessitated by the appearance of several impostors, trying to capitalize on their move underground. Back with a vengeance, the minds of madness have returned to reveal to the world there is only one true Actual Lungbutter. You are about to enter the twisted world of Lungbutter. Lungbutter is a supergroup of sorts, coming together to form a superior musical entity, rising from the ashes of previous groups such as Dartboard Za, The Donuts, Black Market Farts, and Za Theatre. Lungbutter has been described as, the poster boys for free thought. Satire, parody, sarcasm, and irony are pillars of the Lungbutter vernacular, and combined with a type of music known as genre-bending-anti-pop, Lungbutter manages to expose...
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Ecstasy Girl
Patient #29
The Martians Aren't Coming
Boot Raper
Regurgitated Love
Music for people with short attention spans
I think his name is something (i don't know)
Night Of The Kidney Stone
Super Banana
Be My Little Garbage Bag
Room For Rent
Match the Stains
Napalm Sticks to Kids
Ass Machine Box
Show Me Your Sex Face
PCB Polka
Excuse Me, While I Hemorrhage
Wascana Lake
I Ate That
Birth Defect
Lungbutter Theme
Intestinal Fortitude
No More Trading Clothes
That Bitch
Kick Her To The Curb
No Smiling
Space Weiner
Sewage Missle
Bil's Butt
One Chord Song (Except for the end)
The Things Some People Do for Fun
Rock Anthem
Big Giant Head
We Are Being Attacked
Mouthwash Mosh
Free Kill Pass
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