Maanam is a popular Polish rock band formed by Marek Jackowski, Kora and Milo Kurtis in 1976. It has recorded some of the most popular and best selling singles and records in Poland. Originally the band was acoustic, but became electrified in 1980. During the first half of the '80s, Maanam had a highly energized, guitar-centred post-punk sound. Kora's vocal gymnastics rivaled or bettered other iconoclastic international female pop vocalists of the time, and showcased the consonant Polish language as one perfectly suited to jagged rock sounds. In 1984 Maanam's Sie Ściemnia became the first Polish music video to air on the international MTV. By way of analogy, Maanam's sound at the time could be said to be a scruffy cross between Nina Hagen and Siouxie and the Banshees. Unfortunately for New Wave music fans in the English-speaking world, Maanam recordings have been virtually impossible to obtain. Since the 1990s, Maanam have acquired a more melodic, but equally catchy sound. Discography: * 1980 Maanam * 1982 O! * 1983 Night Patrol * 1984 Nocny Patrol * 1984 Totalski No Problemski * 1984 Kminek dla dziewczynek * 1985 Wet Cat * 1985 Mental Cut * 1987 The Best Of... * 1988 Live * 1989 Sie sciemnia * 1991 The Singles Collection * 1991 Derwisz i anioł * 1992 The Best Of - Czerwień * 1992 The Best Of - Błękit * 1992 The Best Of - Fiolet * 1992 The Best Of * 1992 The Best Of Kora & Maanam - volumne I & II ...
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Szał niebieskich ciał
Oddech Szczura
Żądza pieniądza
Wyjątkowo zimny maj
Karuzela marzeń
Miłość jest cudowna
Simple Story
O! Nie rób tyle hałasu
Jestem kobietą
Bez ciebie umieram
Raz dwa raz dwa
Ta noc do innych jest niepodobna
Nocny Patrol
Paranoja jest goła
Biegnij razem ze mną
Boskie Buenos (Buenos Aires)
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Po prostu bądź
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Po to jesteś na świecie
stoje stoje
Polskie Ulice
You Or Me
Wieje piaskiem od strony wojny
Espana Forever
Die Grenze
Pałac na piasku
Och, ten Hollywood
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