At the end of 2007 three good friends, and experienced musicians, (Pawel Daniewski, Marcin Borowski, Piotr Mikos) after more or less successful cooperations with their previous bands, decided to join their skills together and try to create a new project which would embrace musical interests of the whole trio. After two months of searching, other two musically experienced people, namely Piotr Kowalczyk and Lukasz Jagodzinski, joined the abovementioned trio and completed the band's squad. In that squad Maigra began intensive work on their debut material. The effect of that work is rhythmically irregular alternative metal based on a heavy tune. After several months Maigra already started playing their first concerts which received much interest. In March 2009 the band decided to record their debut album which could promote their musical fascinations in wider loops of people and make Maigra more popular. The recordings were done under the supervision of Jacek Milaszewski (responsible for, inter alia, the production of Verses of Steel by Acid Drinkers, and Hellwood by Hunter) in Tower Studio, and the ultimate mix of the material was completed in Chimp Studio. At present the band is at the stage of the promotion of their debut disc (released on their own cost) in the local media and at the concerts. The band is also looking for a label which would be interested in supporting their work and their promotion... Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Cre...
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Biological Death Of My Soul
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Kręgosłup Diabła
Krкgosіup Diabіa
Kręgosług Diabła
Krêgos³up Diab³a
Kregoslup Diabla
Kregosіup Diabіa
Devil's Spine PLver
/ Biological Death Of My Soul
/ Snake's Eyes
/ Mirror
/ Devil's Spine
/ Jaws Of Terror
Maigra - End Of Process - 01 - Mirror
Devil's Spine PL
Deus Ex Machine
/ Deus Ex Machina
Maigra - End Of Process - 02 - Snake's Eyes
Snakes Eyes
Krêgos“up Diab“a
Kregosłup Diabla
Maigra - End Of Process - 06 - Deus Ex Machina
Maigra - End Of Process - 03 - Bilogical Death Of My Soul
Maigra - End Of Process - 04 - Devil's Spine
Maigra - End Of Process - 05 - Jaws Of Terror
Maigra - End Of Process - 07 - Devil's Spine PLver
02 master
Devils Spine
Biological Death
Of My Soul
Snakes's Eyes
Kregosłup Diabła
06 master 01
3 - Snake's Eyes
2 - Mirror
1 - Deus Ex Machine
Deux Ex Machina
/ Kręgosłup Diabła
05 master 01
Devil's Spine (polish edition)
Deus Ex Machina Instrumental
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