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Top Tracks
Bubblaine Seaside Kingdom (Themes from Super Mario Odyssey)
Lost Kingdom Forgotten Isle (Themes from Super Mario Odyssey)
Guardian Theme Breath of the Wild (Bonus Track)
Crimson Loftwing Zelda Skyward Sword
Mount Volbono (Themes from Super Mario Odyssey)
Opening Selection and Rowan's Lab Sinnoh (The Themes of Pokemon Diamond Pearl Platinum Legends Arceus)
Guardian Theme (Themes from Zelda Breath of the Wild)
Professor Oak's Lab (Themes from Pokemon Red and Blue)
Lake Guardians Sinnoh (The Themes of Pokemon Diamond Pearl Platinum Legends Arceus)
Title Screen Menu Mario Kart 8
Astral Observatory
Aryll's Theme from Zelda Wind Waker
Guardian Theme Breath of the Wild from Zelda Majora's Mask (Bonus Track)
Gohdan from Zelda Wind Waker
Pirates from Zelda Wind Waker
Lake Lamode (Themes from Super Mario Odyssey)
Astral Observatory from Zelda Majora's Mask
Twisted Mansion Mario Kart 8
Shy Guy Falls Mario Kart 8
Thwomp Ruins Mario Kart 8
Electrodrome Mario Kart 8
Mario Kart 8 Circuit
Wild Woods Mario Kart 8
Forest Haven
Bicycle Ride (Themes from Pokemon Red and Blue)
Southern Face Shrine (Themes from the Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening)
Follow Me Sinnoh (The Themes of Pokemon Diamond Pearl Platinum Legends Arceus)
Zelda's Lullaby
Cheese Land Mario Kart 8
Calamity Ganon Zelda Breath of the Wild Botw
Route 1 (Themes from Pokemon Red and Blue)
Attack on Vah Naboris Zelda Breath of the Wild
Serenade of Water from Zelda Ocarina of Time
Lunar Colony Mario Kart 8
Bamboo Island Zelda Skyward Sword
Super Bell Subway Mario Kart 8
Super Mario Odyssey Main Theme (Themes from Super Mario Odyssey)
Champion Cynthia (The Themes of Pokemon Diamond Pearl Platinum Legends Arceus)
Professor Oak's Lab (Pokemon Red and Blue)
Aryll's Theme
Bonneton Cap Kingdom (Themes from Super Mario Odyssey)
Title Link's Awakening (Themes from the Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening)
Korok Forest (Themes from Zelda Breath of the Wild)
The Lost Woods
Shrine (Themes from Zelda Breath of the Wild)
Bicycle Ride (Pokemon Red and Blue)
Airship (Themes from Super Mario Bros 3)
Jump up Superstar (Themes from Super Mario Odyssey)
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