Manes started around the end of 1992/early 93. It started as a project with Sargatanas on vocals and Cern on guitars, synths, programming etc. – basically everything besides the vocals. With that line-up Manes recorded the three demos „Maanens natt” (93), „Ned i stillheten” (94) and „Til kongens grav de døde vandrer” (95). The two first demos was later re-released by the Hammerheart Records sub-label „Unveiling the Wicked” in 98. In 99 the album „Under ein blodraud maane” was released by Hammerheart Records as well, and it was simply a re-recording of various tracks from the three previous demos. Cern felt the project became more and more of a burden as he had spurs of no motivation, troubles with disease, little or no interest in the growing metal-scene etc.etc. – so, to activate the band again he chose to include a full line-up, Sargatanas left the band, and after a while a contract was signed with the Italian label Code666 - where the second Manes full-length Vilosophe was released in 2003. The album was recorded at Skansen Studio in Manes’ hometown Trondheim, and the music was labelled “Neo Avant Metal” by Code666, but the band themselves choose to ignore this rather silly “description”, and simply call the music a dark mix of metal and rock with electronic elements. Official Website: http://www.manes.no/ On the first of January 2008, manes split up, and Cern formed kkoagulaa. In July 2013, however, the band resurfaced, promising an up...
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Top Tracks
Nobody Wants the Truth
Come to Pass
Diving With Your Hands Bound (Nearly Flying)
White Devil Black Shroud
I Watch You Fall
Last Lights
The Cure-All
The Hardest Of Comedowns
Son of Night Brother of Sleep
Terminus A Quo / Terminus Ad Quem
Death Of The Genuine
Min Trone Står Til Evig Tid
De mørke makters dyp
My Journal of the Plague Years (Fuckmensch Warmensch)
Under ein blodraud maane
Maanes natt
A Cancer in our Midst (Plague One)
A Cancer in our Mist
My Journal of the Plague Years
Uten liv ligger landet ode
Blanket of Ashes
Maanens Natt
The Neoflagellata Revision
Uten liv ligger landet øde
Til Kongens Grav de Dode Vandrer
A Deathpact Most Imminent
Knife & Kleenex
Cinder Alley (16 Horsepower)
A Safe Place In The Unsafe
Name The Serpent
Terminus Rmx (DJ Don Tomaso Remix)
Solve Et Coagula
Free As In Free To Leave
Broken Fire
Terminus Deconstructus (Cordell Klier Remix)
Title (Somewhat Inspired By Duran Duran)
Ars Moriendi (The Lower Crown)
The Nature And Function Of Sacrifice
Til kongens grav de døde vandrer
Turn The Streams
Dansen Gjennom Skuggeheimen
death of the genuine [the redemption ritual]
Ned I Stillheten
nodamnbrakes [one >> zero/endpoint]
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