MASTIFAL was then born in a cradle where many bands delighted the masses with their presentations and demo tapes, hoping the latter would soon become full-length records. The band was formed in 1995 and from its beginnings they practiced the musical style which would mark them indelibly: THRASH METAL. In August of 1997, there was a change of guitar player. When his former band was dissolved, Diego Conte joined MASTIFAL to play lead guitar thanks to a notice he left at the rehearsing room he used to go to. The band records its first demo tape entitled Ebola in 1998 with such line-up. In November of 2000, Marcelo Barreto, rhythm guitar and vocals, leaves the band for personal reasons and, at the end of that same month, Miguel Maciel joins MASTIFAL. The fact that he had been a faithful fan of the band made him feel at home from the very beginning. Afterwards, Matías Murghini, who is from the city of Corral Bustos, Córdoba, joined the band. He had come to live in Buenos Aires to take guitar lessons and to search for a band. He had seen MASTIFAL at a show in Santa Fe and when he arrived in Buenos Aires he contacted the band and found out they were searching for a guitar player. Matías was accepted immediately in the band. November 14th 2001: Andrés Barreto (bass player) left the band for personal reasons and, due to Argentina’s economic situation, he moved to Italy. (MASTIFAL wishes you good luck). Guillermo Ricci, a close friend to Miguel and the band, replaced him. Unluc...
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Top Tracks
culto vacío radical
Más Allá De La Razón
síndrome de supremacía
El Abismo De La Locura
Desde las tinieblas
Rezando A La Muerte
Gestando El Veneno
Amo de las horas
Hacia ningun lugar
Bajo La Cruz Del Odio
Nuevo mundo artificial
Sol negro
En las entrañas del apocalipsis
This Was My Life
En Lo Apócrifo Del Corazón
Ojos de buey
Puertas & Laberintos
En la tierra desierta
Paredes sangrientas
Holocausto Mental
Ruinas del mundo
En soledad
Flores muertas
La red
Hijo del crimen
Espectaculo Macabro
Apodado Hijo Del Diablo
Fabrica de monos
Tiempos Violentos
El puñal
Reino de la ausencia
Lenta Muerte
Cuando el Sol Crucifique Mi NOmbre
Privado de Libertad
La Plegaria Del Obrero
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