The Minutemen were a punk rock trio which formed in 1980 in San Pedro, California, United States. The band comprised guitarist/vocalist D Boon and his childhood friend, bassist/vocalist Mike Watt, along with a former high school classmate on drums, George Hurley. The group played funk influenced punk rock music in the early 1980s, never finding (or even seeking) much mainstream success but influencing many subsequent musicians. The group ended when Boon died in an automobile accident in Arizona in December 1985. Influences and Creativity They were influenced heavily by bands such as Wire, Gang of Four, The Pop Group, The Urinals and also funk bands of the late '60s and '70s were an important influence. nearly all of their early songs had unusual structures and were less than a minute long — even later when the Minutemen's music became slightly more conventional, their songs rarely passed the three-minute mark. Boon and Watt split songwriting fairly evenly (and Hurley made many contributions as well), though Watt rarely sang, and Hurley even less so. Boon's songs were typically more direct and progressively political in nature, while Watt's were often abstract, self-referential spiels. Lyrics and themes would thus often veer from surreal humor, as in Bob Dylan Wrote Propaganda Songs and One Reporter's Opinion, to the frustrations of blue collar life in California, as in the enduring This Ain't No Picnic. While many contemporaries rarely displayed a sense of humor, the M...
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Top Tracks
Viet Nam
Political Song for Michael Jackson to Sing
Theatre Is the Life of You
Maybe Partying Will Help
#1 Hit Song
It's Expected I'm Gone
This Ain't No Picnic
Two Beads at the End
The Glory of Man
Shit From an Old Notebook
Jesus and Tequila
Nature Without Man
Do You Want New Wave or Do You Want the Truth?
Don't Look Now
One Reporter's Opinion
My Heart and the Real World
The Big Foist
God Bows to Math
The Roar of the Masses Could Be Farts
West Germany
Take 5, D.
The Politics of Time
You Need the Glory
Please Don't Be Gentle With Me
Nothing Indeed
No Exchange
History Lesson - Part II
June 16th
Untitled Song for Latin America
Storm in My House
Martin's Story
There Ain't Shit on T.V. Tonight
Love Dance
The World According to Nouns
Three Car Jam
Dr. Wu
D's Car Jam / Anxious Mo-Fo
Fake Contest
Bob Dylan Wrote Propaganda Songs
D.'s Car Jam / Anxious Mo-Fo
Split Red
History Lesson Part 2
Mutiny in Jonestown
The Anchor
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