The Legend of Mugison. (the way I heard it..) In 2001 Mugison met his first laptop – a used Mac, most likely stolen or over borrowed from a poor philosophy student in Iceland. Inside the laptop he discovered a hard drive filled with songs and the ability to burn songs on to CDRs. Using his acquired ability to burn CDs he came up with a quick money making scheme, sold 70 copies to his grandmother and bought a ticket to London. It was here that Mugison met a man by the name of Joshua who had been living in the streets since he was 9 and supported himself by DJ-ing. They discussed Mugison’s little business and decided that instead of burning the same music onto CDs like Mugison had been doing, they would record their own. Over the next few years, Mugison recorded some tracks. Those tracks came together to make the album, Lonely Mountain. By that time Mugison met Matthew Herbert who loved his album and offered to release it on his label, Accidental Records. To Mugison’s despair, Matthew also loved the packaging of the demo – a hand made paper case stitched together with a needle and thread. So, Mugison spent the following year stitching 13,000 copies of Lonely Mountain together. On the bright side, Mugison finally had enough money to return home to Iceland. Where he started work on his new record, “Mugimama (is this monkey music?)”. Mugison moved to the Icelandic countryside, to the West fjords where the sun doesn't shine for 9 months of the year and you have to...
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Murr Murr
I Want You
2 Birds
I'd Ask
Never Give Up
The Chicken Song
To The Bone
Poke a Pal
I'm on Fire
Sad as a Truck
What I Would Say in Your Funeral
Hold on 2 Happiness
Jesus Is A Good Name To Moan
One day she'll park the car
Sea Y
The Night is Limping
The Pathetic Anthem
George Harrison
Deep Breathing
The Animal
go Blind
Sweetest Melody
Two Thumb Sucking Son Of A Boyo
My Love I Love
The Great Unrest
I'm Alright
Pétur Grétarsson
Piano For Tombstones
Clip 10
Alone In A Hotel
Little Trip To Heaven
Afi minn
Alone In The Office
Stingum Af
Sammi & Kjartan
My Nobel Prize
Mugicone Part 2
To the Bank
Love Theme
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