Myslovitz is a Polish alternative rock band, whose music incorporates elements of college rock, shoegazing, and - arguably - Britpop (Artur Rojek used to admit Suede as an influence), with a dose of melancholy. Although often dubbed the Polish Radiohead by critics, their music is actually more reminiscent of Coldplay and Travis or early Radiohead. From 2003, EMI Records has been attempting to establish them internationally, with considerable support from MTV Europe. As of 2005, Myslovitz are rated as the most popular Polish act abroad. The band take their name from their industrial hometown of Mysłowice in Upper Silesia (Southern Poland). Guitarist and vocalist Artur Rojek (born 1972) started the band in 1992 as The Freshmen, taking the initial name from the movie The Freshman starring Marlon Brando - which indicates a fascination with cinema that would become a characteristic feature throughout the band's career. The early phase was characterised by a somewhat debonair punk attitude, as Rojek admits: I started Myslovitz in 1992. I was twenty then and I had no idea how to make good music. Surely, I was a big fan of a few British groups (Ride, The Stone Roses, My Bloody Valentine, The Housemartins) but I couldn't play the guitar at all. After several months of rehearsals [...] I decided that I should cover the holes in my musical education by [...] chaos (the bigger the better). [1]. Even so, they soon caught the media's attention, winning several important competitions for...
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Z twarzą Marylin Monroe
Blue Velvet
Ty i ja i wszystko co mamy
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W 10 sekund przez całe życie
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