In the summer of 2003, Tobias Buck, who at that time played the lead guitar in the Münster (NRW, Germany) death metal formation Malzan, decided to start a metal side project that should take a different musical direction and lay more emphasis soundwise on power metal and hardcore influences. To carry out his plans, Toby teamed up with drummer Sebastian Heldt, whom he had already played together with in the 1998 Münster talent competition winning new metal band SPOUT, and with singer Benny Hilleke, who had no band experience whatsoever. The three of them started writing songs and rehearsing together but soon realised that with only a guitar and a drum, they would not be able to develop the amount of pressure necessary to create the aggressive overall metal sound they were aiming for. Toby consquently called up former MALZAN rhythm guitarist Benjamin Donath, who had left the band due to musical differences, and asked if he would be interested in taking over the part of bass player in this new group. Donath instantly agreed, and after one or two rehearsals, it was certain that this was going to be the band´s basic lineup. However, the quartet still did not have a name. Shortly before the first concert, Toby came up with the proposition to call the band THE NINTH GATE. In November 2003, THE NINTH GATE played their first concert in Münster´s Luna Bar. Even though the band received nothing but positive feedback from their audience, they knew that there was still a piece miss...
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Top Tracks
Spearheading the Spawn
Let The Tempest Come
In Loss
The Orphaning
Mutiny Of Untamed Minds
The Escape from Escapism
Tools of Greed
The Need for Pain
Broken Spine
Walls Instead of Bridges
The World Devourers
Where Submission Reigns
Anthem of Despair
The Crimson Void
Definition of Love
Life Damages The Living
Paradigm Lost
I Love The World
Scars Of Gray
Hibernating Reason
- Oblivion
Beyond the Gates
Mechanisms Of Standstill
Save the Drowning Child
I Loathe
No Coming Home
From Grief...
The Last Silence
Prey To Anguish
God Forsaken Soil
The Wretched Of The Earth
Grave New World
Age Of Hunger
I Am The Rape
In Near Ruins
The Nothing Doctrine
In Defiance
The Forging
Eight Thousand Sorrows Deep
Heaven's Descent
Arise Black Vengeance
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