There has been more than one band called Nightstick. -- 1) Nightstick is a Boston trio Alex Smith (bass, vocals, violin), Cotie Cowgill (guitars) and Robert Williams (drums, tapes) Their first album, Blotter (0, 1995), was a tribute of sort to their idols (Pink Floyd, George Clinton, Lydia Lunch), a wildly psychedelic and heavy tribute to an entire alternative civilization, best summarized in Blotter. Ultimatum (Relapse, 1998) is a far more mature effort. The eleven-minute, many-part title-track is a harrowing melodrama that crawls at a slow, monotonous, Black Sabbath-esque pace, pierced by devastating guitar distortions and by a beasty Albert Ayler-ish saxophone, periodically visited by a slow version of Led Zeppelin's How Many More Times' riff. The trio manages to fuse acid-rock, stoner metal and the most experimental side of Type O Negative. Four More Years is even longer and even noisiera, and probably the masterpiece: it build tensions through an endless sequence of guitar noises and then releases it a bit at a time; and the second half is merely rumbles of warplanes. August 6, 1945 is seven minutes of pure noise, the a soundtrack to war and a disturbing analysis of fear. United Snakes is three minutes of sheer terror, the singer screaming while guitar and drums simply beat the hell out of his scream. Dream Of The Witches Sabbath even employs a theme from Berlioz's Fantastic Symphony. The ferocious rock and roll of Pig In Shit is the only track that resembles a normal s...
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Top Tracks
Pig in Shit
United Snakes
Some Boys
Young Man, Old Man
The Pentagon
Ultimatum: 'Cut It Off, Then Kill It'
In Dahmer's Room
Workers of the World Unite!!
4 More Years
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
The American Way
Free Man
Boot Party Theme
Mommy, What's a Funkadelic/5/21/93
Fellating the Dying Christ
(Won't you take me to) Junkytown
Dream Of The Witches' Sabbath/Massacre Of Innocence (Air Attack)
August 6, 1945: A. Flight B. Fright
Ultimatum: 'He... Is... Dead... Wrong' (4 Track Version)
Lila Claire Blues
Nightstick: A. Call Me...Nightstick!, B. Outtro, C. Requiem
The Boot of Discipline
Invisible Man
Push It Away
(Let Your) Freak Flag Fly (Including Kenny's Cancellation Message)
Also Sprach Zarathustra (Theme From 2001)
Ultimatum: (Live @ Mama Kin's)
Impressions of Rachmaninoff's Preulde In C Sharp Minor
Ode To Lord Vader: A. The Circle Is Now Complete, B. Now...I Am The Master
Ultimatum [Live @ Mama Kin's]
August 6, 1945
(Won't you take me to) Junkyto
Ultimatum He... Is... Dead... Wrong
Nightstick / The Pentagon
Nightstick / United Snakes
Don't Let It Bring You Down
Blotter: A. 'This Is a Pig,...', B. Only the Leaves in the Trees, C. Let's Rock! (Benedictus), D. Let's Rock (Adagio), E. Deep 6 D
Impressions Of Rachmaninoff's Prelude In C Sharp Minor
Nightstick / Pig In Shit
Nightstick / 4 More Years
Nightstick / August 6, 1945 - a)flight b)fright
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