There are multiple artists with this name; 1) Nile is an American death metal band from Greenville, South Carolina, United States, formed in 1993. Their music and lyrics are inspired by Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern mysticism, history, religion, and ancient art, as well as the works of H.P. Lovecraft. Nile formed in their hometown of Greenville in 1993, from the ashes of a previous band, Morriah, in which Karl Sanders played since the 1980s. The majority of Nile's music is written by vocalist/guitarist Karl Sanders. It combines traditional and technical death metal. Nile's music is also characterized by its extreme complexity and speed – for which the band has received acknowledgement from many music fans and journalists – and its extremely heavy riffing, due to Nile's guitar and bass tunings, which are normally Dropped A tuning. Much of the lyrical content is based on Sanders' interest in Egyptology and other ancient Middle Eastern cultures, such as Mesopotamia. H.P. Lovecraft also seems to have an enduring influence upon Nile's lyrical themes; the word Nile and the title of Nile's first full-length album can both be found in the same sentence of Lovecraft's short story The outsider. Lengthy sleeve notes are included with the albums Black Seeds of Vengeance, In Their Darkened Shrines, Annihilation of the Wicked, Those Whom the Gods Detest, At the Gate of Sethu, and What Should Not Be Unearthed, explaining the inspiration or source for the lyrics of each song. 2...
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Top Tracks
Sacrifice Unto Sebek
Cast Down the Heretic
Lashed to the Slave Stick
Annihilation of the Wicked
The Burning Pits of the Duat
Spawn of Uamenti
Execration Text
Dusk Falls Upon the Temple of the Serpent on the Mount of Sunrise
Black Seeds of Vengeance
What Can Be Safely Written
Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten
The Blessed Dead
Papyrus Containing the Spell to Preserve Its Possessor Against Attacks from He Who Is In the Water
Ramses Bringer of War
The Howling of the Jinn
As He Creates So He Destroys
Eat of the Dead
Smashing the Antiu
Hittite Dung Incantation
The Essential Salts
Laying Fire Upon Apep
Barra Edinazzu
Unas Slayer of the Gods
The Black Flame
Kheftiu Asar Butchiu
Utterances of the Crawling Dead
Serpent Headed Mask
Those Whom the Gods Detest
The Language of the Shadows
Masturbating the War God
Kudurru Maqlu
Churning the Maelstrom
Even the Gods Must Die
Die Rache Krieg Lied Der Assyriche
Stones of Sorrow
Invocation of the Gate of Aat-Ankh-Es-En-Amenti
The Infinity of Stone
4th Arra of Dagon
Defiling the Gates of Ishtar
Pestilence and Iniquity
Multitude of Foes
The Eye of Ra
Opening of the Mouth
Kem Khefa Khesef
I Whisper In the Ear of the Dead
Beneath Eternal Oceans of Sand
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