There are at least five bands with the name 'Pantheon' and one with a similar name, 1) Pantheon, a National Socialist black metal band formed in Arizona, America in 1993. 2) Pantheon, a metal band formed in York, England in 2005. 3) Panthéon, a dutch progressive band from the 70's. 4) Pantheon, a female-fronted metal band from Nottingham, England, formed 2007. 5) Pantheon, a heavy dubstep infused metal band from the West Coast of Norway. Their debut album is Broken Core, currently working on a new one. Metalstep forever! 6) Pantheon I, not relevant in this bio. 1) Genre(s) National Socialist Black Metal Lyrical theme(s) National Socialism, Mythology, War Origin Formed in Current label Status United States of America (Tucson, Arizona) 1993 Strong Survive Records Active Current line-up Vortigern (formerly called Rubeus XII) - vocals, bass, drums, effects, guitars, mandolin (Hrodvitnir, Blutkrieg, Acirema, Gestapo SS, Katharia, Valaskjalf) Vautrin - backing vocals, keyboards, lead and rhythm guitar (Valhallian, Blutkrieg, Hrodvitnir) Former/past member(s) Fumaroth - drums, keyboards Volkh - drums Sorath - vocals Grizzly - bass Forlorn - rhythm guitars Svarog - drums (Valhallian, ex-Hrodvitnir) 2) Pantheon are a five piece band from the York area, England. Formed in October 2005, they play heavy metal, influenced by a range of bands and by contrasting personal tastes in the band. Variously described as NWOBHM, thrash and speed, they currently have bookings from...
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The Bow Taker
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Cadence of the Warlordian Overlords
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Valkyrian Ode
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Führer's Land
Winds Of Wotan Howl
Mattr O Megin
The Coldness Of Vinlandic Hearts
The Quest For Our Ancestral Steel
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