Perunwit was founded in 1994, and the same year their first material Blood and Tears (Lzy I Krew) was recorded in Isengard Studio and released by DCC from Opole, as a split tape with Legion. The next step in Perunwits history was In the Circle Of Oaks (W Kregu Debow) LP. Again composed by Aro and Obscenus, stylistically the material is a continuation of the previous production with keyboards and slow pace prevailing. Nevertheless, it is already a cult album, recommendable to anyone yearning to hear and feel the sounds of those times. It was followed by Perkunu Yra Dang Part I album, with two guest members in the band - Wielkopolan Lupus Wszeslawiewicz (who had played ealier in Gromowladny, Wolves and Veles) and Moira (vocals). At the same time Obscenus left Perunwit. Along with composing music, Aro, also known as Wilczan by then, and Lupus became actively involved with Native Faith Union by founding The Great Poland NFUs branch with several other members. They also started publishing Lechia Stragona, a paganism-orientated periodical, and engaged in developing the ritual aspect of Native Faith. Soon they were joined by a considerable number of devotees. Soon after Perkunu Yra Dang Part I, the second part was recorded in cooperation with Lupus and Rocisaw. It was released by Pagan Folk Records. After a long period of silence, Perunwit entered the studio again and recorded All Shades of Gray (Wszystkie Odcienie Szarosci). Drums and electric guitars were the new element...
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