World-renowned for its highly polished performances as the pied-pipers of Early Music, Piffaro, The Renaissance Band has delighted audiences throughout the United States, Europe, Canada and South America. The ensemble, founded in 1980, recreates the elegant sounds of the official, professional wind bands of the late Medieval and Renaissance periods, as well as the rustic music of the peasantry. Piffaro’s ever-expanding collection of shawms, sackbuts, recorders, krumhorns, bagpipes, lutes, guitars, harps, and a variety of percussion, are careful reconstructions of instruments from the period. Under the direction of Joan Kimball and Robert Wiemken, Piffaro tours extensively in the United States and Europe, and has performed for all the major early music series and festivals, as well as many college and community series, in the US. The ensemble made its European debut at Tage Alter Musik in Regensburg, Germany in 1993, and has returned to Europe each season for numerous festival appearances. In addition, the Band produces its own concert series in Philadelphia, with four to five programs per year, bringing to their series some of the finest talents in early music performance as their guests. Excerpts from these concerts are regularly broadcast nationwide on National Public Radio’s Performance Today. In addition to its concert and recording efforts, Piffaro is active in the field of education. Members of the ensemble perform regularly throughout the year for elementary, m...
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Dalza: Piva
Chacona: Una sarao de la chacona
La guerra
Tan Ta Ra Ran Tan Tant, Cryes Mars
Pois con tanta graca
Anonymous: Bransles de village - arr. PIFFARO
Adieu Mes Amours
Im Maien
Bonum vinum cum sapore
De la piel de sus ovejas
Was wird es doch des wunders noch (a 5)
Se J'ay perdu mon amy
Der Grabentanz
Calata ala Spagnola
Greyner, zanner
Recuerde el alma dormida
Bransle de Chevaux
Non somnos requiem
Bransles de village
Yong Cupid Hath Proclaim'd
Baisez-moy, ma doulce amye
O du armer Judas
Quisquis requiem quaeris
Was wird es doch des wunders noch (a 7)
Parce mihi
Will niemand singen
Greiner, zancker, schnöpfitzer
Ach Elslein, liebes Elselein mein
Non Argus largus
Encina: Si Habrá En Este Baldrés?
Pange lingua gloriosi
Musae Jovis
Sospiros, pues que descansa
Huyd, huyd, o ciegos amadores
Quant je suis au prez de mamye
Cease Sorrowes Now
Was wird es doch des wunders noch (a 7 reprise)
Ojos claros y serenos
Amour partes
Den besten vogel
Siderum Rector
Chacona ytaliana: Sencilla pastora
A Suite of Dances
Three Times A Day
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