Promoe (Mårten Edh) is a Swedish emcee, and member of Swedish hip-hop group, Looptroop Rockers. Promoe has released five albums, quite a few 12s and also many singles with Astma&Rockwell which you can download for free on Looptrooprockers.com. Promoe's albums to date are: Government Music, Long Distance Runner, White Man's Burden, Standard Bearer and the newest one is Kråksången which is in swedish. The label is Looptroops own, David versus Goliath (DvsG) since 1998, which is distributed through Burning Heart. Soundism has given their sound treatment to most of Promoe's recent releases. Promoe got regonition from the first of the albums but increasingly so with the second album, which made the charts properly, in Sweden and worldwide. The lyrics have always been political, though slightly shifting in nature. Government Music, with its cover art borrowing from the the legacy of Aleksandr Rodchenko, and a song bearing ode to the Orwellian George Lucas motion picture THX 1138. Long Distance Runner, where Promoe started to get heavily into a more ethical perspective with him clad in a big white dress on the album cover and moving the focus a bit to also include subjects such as abstinence from drugs and alcohol. White Man's Burden, borrowing it's title from Kipling's poem with the same name deals in great detail with contradictory nature of being a white rapping/toasting rasta like artist recording in Jamaica and at the same time being conscious of subjects such as femini...
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Top Tracks
These Walls Don't Lie
Long Distance Runner
Constant Consumption
A Likkle Supm Supm
Calm Down
fit you haffi fit
Mammas gata
in the jungle (ft. ward 21)
Detta har hänt
justice (ft. anthony b)
Colgate White
White Man's Burden
Du kommer ihåg
Ge oss Sverige tillbaka
Lev nu!
Long Sleeves in the Summer
mah grrrl (ft. ghost)
Post Cards
Murder Murdoch
Musick Bi$$ Apocalypse
Sag Was
songs of joy ft.capleton
fast food world (ft.cosmic and
dog day afternoon (ft. ranto t
Government Music
Fit You Haffe Fit
time travellin ft.assasin
THX 1138
Humblin' Experience
Off the Record
in the morning ft.daville
eurotrash ft.leeroy
Skäggig Vegan
Time Bandit
Svennebanan - Remix
Prime Time
Big in Japan
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