September, 1996 - the foundation of the first line-up. The band is formed by Leshy (drums), Ilya (guitars) and F. (vox). The first band's name - BEDEVIL. Two weeks later Rustam joins as vocalist and keyboardist. Bassist Miguel The Blind comes with him. Rustam offers to change band's name to RAKOTH (RAKOT was the initial spelling). In Nick Perumov's Chronicle of Hjorvard Rakoth is the half-god, so-called True Mage, who had the title Master of Darkness for using Darkness for his magic. He rose against the Young Gods accusing them of being Liars stealing mortals' freedom. After his second try he was defeated, disincarnated and bound to the world called The Bottom of Worlds. With help of his friend, Hedin Aware of Darkness, he returned and overthrew the Young Gods thus becoming the New God along with Hedin. December, 1996 - the band is formed completely with coming of Black as vocalist with clean voice and changing bassist to Den. All music is written by Rustam and Ilya, lyrics - by Rustam. Now the band has its own face - Black's clean voice and Rustam's keys. The first song created is Return of the Nameless (first edition). The song becomes famous (in Obninsk) long before the first gig. February, 1997 - the first concert together with Dissenter - techno-death band. The concert represents the fest titled Rock against chemical dependence. Needless to say that everyone (especially some members of the band) is deadly drunk. Nevertheless the gig is extremely successful. Amazingly,...
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Fear (Wasn't in the Design)
The Dark Heart of Uukrul
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Planeshift (Introduction)
Dying Realm
Story of the Nameless
Mountain God
The Unquiet Grave
Return of the Nameless
Insurgent One
A Pass in the Ethereal
Diamond Angel
Der Jammerwoch
Planekeep/The Crypt
Trust This
Gorthaur Aulendil
Gothaur Aulendil
Just Another Lament
Tiny Deaths
June 3
Vicious Life
Og' Elend
Before the abyss
The summoning
Of Chaos
Viscious Life
The Insurgent One
What They seek
Les Arts Fauches
Ars Compilata
Fear Wasn't In The Design
November (Die Phobien Angst)
A pass in the eternall woods
Empathy Mire
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