Alex Roe is a passionate composer and has been for 8 years. Before releasing his debut album Strings of Time he has been honing his skills away from the public eye for a good few years working closely with friends who have given him great courage. Most notably Alex has entered the UK Songwriting Contest for three years running now with five songs reaching semi finalist positions in the instrumental category, two of which are orchestrations from his debut album Strings of Time : A Memory Never Forgotten and Resolve, and two from his digital soundtrack release Praxis: Apraxia and Axis of Definition. Alex used to go by the alias RoeTaKa and was featured on OverClocked Remix with posted remixes of games and featured on album releases from their site. He has personally had a large experience of writing music for video games as he is working on a completely free project that will be unveiled in time, alternatively his work for the fiction 'Praxis' was made for video games in mind. Speaking of music Alex has also received a BTEC National Diploma in Music through college and has studied two years of a BSc Music Technology and Innovaton at the university of De Montfort - Leicester. Besides music (which he also loves listening to extensively) Alex is a huge video game fanatic with hopes of becoming involved with games in more ways than music as he enjoys art and drawing, has some experience in programming (with Visual Basic and Java) and has doodled and designed his own concepts far ...
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The Last Stand
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Metal Slug 2 No Need to Reload OC ReMix
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Vergil (Devil May Cry 3) - The Curse of Yamato
The Treasure That Must Be Seduced (The Treasure Which Cannot Be Stolen)
Devil Flare (Knight of Fire)
Pokémon Rest OCReMix
Ocean Pollen
The Chemical Imps
Infiltrator (feat. Evil Horde) (e2m1)
Metal Slug 2 'No Need to Reload' OC ReMix
Chrono Cross - Dreaming by your Side
Chaos Legion 'The Souls of Chaos' OC ReMix
Castlevania Symphony of the Night Paintings of Forgotten Phunk
Time Manipulation
No Need to Reload
Dreaming by your Side
Shallow Peace
Super Castlevania IV 'Oblivium Sempiternum Daemonis' OC ReMix
Demon's Souls 'Epitaph for Boletaria' OC ReMix
Dark Souls 'The Fall of Artorias' OC ReMix
Desire for Love
The Souls of Chaos
Run Away With Me
Dark Souls 'I Had a Name' OC ReMix
Zelda 3 Ordeal OC ReMix
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Nozomi's Heart
Dark Souls II 'Like a Dream' OC ReMix
The Treasure That Must be Seduced
Nesty Business
Mega Man 2 A Warmer Farewell OCReMix
Time to Fight (Battle) CLIP
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Rise Attack Die
Shadow Hearts Heart to Heart OC ReMix
Infiltrator (E2M1)
My Town Called Crysta
The Souls of Chaos :: OCR Radio
Demon's Souls 'Let Strength Be Granted' OC ReMix
Crisis Breaker (Crisis Event) CLIP
Devil Flare
The Curse of Yamato
Funky Chemical Shoes
Grandia I watch her OC ReMix
Millenial Jam (Millenial Fair) CLIP
Street Fighter Alpha 3 - Hit Me
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