The beginning of SALTUS reaches as far as to the 1997, when Wojnar (guitar) begets the DARK FOREST band. Its irregular line-up, though, causes many rehearsal difficulties. Meantime, the band gets reinforced by Faun (vocal) and Bithorn (guitar.) At the same time the name has been changed to SALTUS. At the beginning of November 1997, the horde registers a demo / rehersal. titled “Inexploratus Saltus”, featuring: Bithorn – guitar, Wojnar – guitar, keyboards, Faun – vocals, Jack – drums. The material meets with various opinions, but the band is not happy with it. 1999 After ”Inexploratus Saltus” is recorded, the band changes its squad and starts to work on the new material, which gets recorded at the Legend Art Studio between April and November 1999. It is titled „Slowianska Duma” (Slavonic Pride) and consists of nine hymns played by: Faun (vocal,) Wojnar (guitar, keyboards,) Bithorn (guitar,) Darek (drums,) and the session musicians: Wojtek (bass) and Jacek (keyboards.) Thanks to the Nawia Production, the material gets released on the MCs. 2000 „Slowianska Duma” gets recorded on Cd/Lp and is distributed worldwide thanks to the Merciless Records. This album meets with favorable opinions both from the music press and the fans. Wojnar and Faun abandon the band, which continues to work on the “Slowianska Duma” successor. Now, the squad consists of Bithorn (guitar,) Darek (drums,) Sokaris (guitar,) Aldaron (bass.) 2001 Shortly after, the “Hail Pagan Euro...
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...Ku Chwale Nocy
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Pośród Starych Borów
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