There are multiple artists under the name of Shining: 1) A Swedish extreme metal / black metal band. 2) A Norwegian progressive metal / avant-garde jazz group. 3) Julian Beeston, an electronic musician. 4) Early noise recordings from Illinois, USA. 5) A Polish experimental death metal band. 6) An 80s German synthpop band. 7) A French hip hop artist. 1) Shining is a Swedish extreme metal / black metal band formed in 1996 by Niklas Kvarforth in Halmstad, Sweden. The band's music contains depressive undertones, which include personal and suicide-themed lyrics. Kvarforth is the main composer and vocalist of the band. He was only twelve years old when he started Shining. By the time Kvarforth was fourteen, Shining had released their first EP Submit to Selfdestruction (1998) on which he played guitars and bass. It was not until the band released their first album I: Within Deep Dark Chambers (2000) that Kvarforth became the band's vocalist. The band's name does not refer to the book The Shining or the film based on it, but rather according to Kvarforth, it means the path to enlightenment. Shining openly promotes suicide and self-harm in all its forms (e.g. drugs) in their lyrics. Kvarforth has claimed, with contentment, there have been some cases of people committing suicide at least partially under the influence of Shining's music. Musically, Shining went from black metal with doom influences on their earlier work to a more progressive extreme metal sound with extensive u...
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