There are 2 Shira: Shira Gold from Brooklyn.. Shira first picked up a guitar at the age of four. She then proceeded to try to play it like a violin with a chopstick. After becoming frustrated she then stuffed it full of dirt and went to get a snack. It wasn't for another 14 years that she picked up the instrument again. Needless to say, she had matured enough in the interim to abandon the chopstick method and get down to the business of writing songs. I grew up in a musician family in what was left of the Catskills she says and so I would hear all the classic pop songs and it really influenced me. My goal has always been to write something as timeless as 'The Shadow of Your Smile' or 'They Can't Take That Away From Me'. Even though my music is very much in the rock realm, with electric guitars and whatnot, I will always be guided by that classic sensibility. Shira's first record My Heart is full of Lightning, Produced by Chris Kuffner, is due out at the end of February. ______________________________________ Ms.Shira is the teacher you wish you had; a real life super-hero. By day I teach High School English, using hip hop and youth culture as a motivational tool for urban teens while preparing them to exceed New York City's educational standards. At night I turn into a songstress, luring artists back to Purrmanent Records to act out our creative fantasies. I wanna be a rock star mogul, so I am one. Got my own studio, built my own club, produce my own music videos and in t...
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