Skaldowie came into existence in the summer of 1965. Officially, the band made their debut on a contest called II Krakowska Gielda Piosenki in October of the same year. They won that year's contest as well as the next two. From this time on a series of successes began for the band. They won some major contests in Poland (in Opole, Gdansk),and participated in two films. In 1967 they released their first, self-titled LP. In the same year they appeared on TV, and finally their lineup was established as follows: Andrzej Zielinski ( org, pno, voc ), his younger brother Jacek Zielinski ( voc, tp, viol ), Jan Budziaszek ( dr ), Jerzy Tarsinski ( g ), and Konrad Ratynski ( bg, voc ). The next year the band began with participating in another film, and in March they recorded their second album, Wszystko mi mowi,ze mnie ktos pokochal. Then they left for their first tour outside Poland, in the USSR. In 1969 they released Cala jestes w skowronkach. Almost all the songs from this album became hits. In August and September of that same year SKALDOWIE toured in the USA and Canada. They came back with Hammond organs, and in January 1970 they began recording a very good album, Od wschodu do zachodu slonca, their first album with a proggy feel, or so I believe. Three months later they recorded their next abum, Ty. In 1971 and 1972 the band toured the UK and both parts of Germany (they were also in Munich during the 20th Summer Olympic Games), then recorded their next two albums: mainstream, s...
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