There are at least 3 bands with the name of Squad. 1. Dark techno artist 2. Squad - A Punk Rock band from Coventry England who released the Red Alert & £8 A Week singles in 1978/ 1979. They also had a track on the Sent From Coventry Punk / New Wave compilation LP. They were led by singer Gus Chambers who died accidentally on the 13th October 2008. RIP Gus. 3. Since it's inception (1987), Squad was destined to fill an important place in the chilean extreme scene from the eighties, due to the great music; a mix of punk, thrash elements and layered with deathy vocals, and second in importance, the lyrics , that described in cheesy humor ( yes, there were some anti-nuclear tunes!),some important issues for the youth of that generation. Squad pioneered an style later adapted for current bands. Born in the minds of Rodrigo Cuadra (now in the succesful band Dorso), and Chris (the only remaining original member), Squad delivered the youthful angst in noisy but with heavy chunks of metal/punk style. With the success of the tape Gallinazeous Death , Squad gained fans across the country (a fact unknown for the band!), and played with the most notorious bands of that period . Every band has their song, the one that the audiences scream all nigth, asking to be played , well Squad had one!: MUERTE A LOS HIPPIES, a testament of the new generation hating old hippie trends (ain't sounds wise?). Now in the new century, Chris with new band members still maintains a great following, pl...
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Three Lions 2010
Gallinazeous Death
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Ojo e Pollo
Lost Without You
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Flasher (from Sent from Coventry)
Bass Dance
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