Take two experts at triggering bomb(ard) alerts. Add a diabolic diatonic accordion player and a guitarist who constantly has the itch. What do you get? The bundle of energy and excitement that is Startijenn. So, music lovers: on your marks…! A purely instrumental quintet, Startijenn don’t need words to show that Breton blood runs in their veins. Even in its homeland, this group has no equal when it comes to setting off explosions of energy at the heart of their fiery festou-noz. Born in 1997 at the Relecq-Kerhuon Diwan college, Startijenn’s line-up numbers two Tangis, a Youenn and a Konogan. What more do you need to prove the pedigree of our little Breton korrigans? Thanks partly to their three albums, but more especially to their many concerts, Startijenn have become a driving force on the Breton scene. They have made dance music their speciality. And from their live shows they have made a name for themselves and achieved a notoriety that puts this group in the same league as the swirling waters of the Cousenon river, when it comes to getting talked about far beyond the Breton borders. Alternating between traditional airs in dynamic arrangements and original compositions pulsing with energy, Startijenn’s music never fails to impress. Blame its unstoppable alchemy, tried and tested at a myriad of summer festival appearances (such as the Vieilles Charrues and Interceltic Festival) or at the autumn cauldron that is Yaouank in Rennes: two experts at triggering bomb(ard...
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Made in diwan
Pak (Tour)
Zapaj nokturn (Valse)
Mark ruz (Hanter-dro)
Zapaj Nokturn - valse
Kerjob (Rond de St Vincent)
Pakit Holl! - Rond De St Vincent
Noz Vat Deoc'h - Valse
Trawalc'h ! - Scottish
Sofa kozh (An dro)
Tort's Jigs (Kelc'h)
Tort's jigs
Tarzhet eo !
Pakit Holl! (Ronde De Saint-Vincent)
Koad - Kost ar c'hoad
Noz Vat Deoc'h (Valse)
Ba' Kerchef - Ton Simpl Plin
Stef-Zone (Rond)
Bronn's battle (Bal plinn)
'Ba' Kerchef (Plinn - Bal)
Mark ruz - hanter-dro
Stef-Zone (Baleu)
Dans ar forbann kofek (Laride)
Noz vat deoc'h (feat. Fañch Landreau)
Bronn's battle (Ton simpl plinn)
Bronn's battle (Ton doubl plinn)
Pak - tour
Pakit holl !
'Ba' Kerchef (Plinn - Ton Simpl)
Bronn's battle - bal plin
Bronn's battle - ton doubl plin
Emgav - Kejaj
Made In Diwan (Gavotte - Tamm Kreiz)
Made In Diwan (Gavotte - Ton Doubl)
Kerjob - rond de st vincent
'Ba' Kerchef (Plinn - Ton Doubl)
Mwalfa (An dro) [Live]
Noz vat deoc'h
Mark ruz ( hanter-dro )
Stef zone ( rond ) [suite de loudéac]
Dañs ar forbann kofek - laride
Lamm ar banniel - Polka
Bronn's battle ( bal plin )
Bronn's battle - ton simpl plin
Made In Diwan (Gavotte - Ton Simpl)
Kerjob ( rond de st vincent )
La puerta - Laride
Mont ha dont - Vals
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