
Stormlord is an epic black metal (self-classified as Extreme Epic Metal) band from Italy, created in 1991. The group uses keyboards and orchestrations to give their songs an epic, melodic atmosphere. This, combined with long and powerful guitar riffs, various vocal styles (harsh, opera and growled), extremely fast and aggressive drumming, gives their songs a feeling of both peace and power. Stormlord is: -Christiano Borchi (vocals since the beginning - 1991 - and bass '91 - '96) -Gianpaolo Caprino (guitar, keyboard, clean vocals - '02-) -Maurizio Pariotti (keyboards 2008-) -Francesco Bucci (bass since '97) -Andrea Angelini (guitar - 2010 -) -David Folchitto (drums since '99) Male operatic vocals on the albums are performed by A.G. Volgar from Deviate Damaen. Occasionally, the band has utilized other clean and operatic vocals. (referred to as 'Battle Choirs') Cristiano Borchi uses both black metal-style shrieking (referred to as 'epic war screams') and death growls. Giampaolo Caprino sings the gothic style male vocals used in songs such as 'The Castaway' and 'Dimension: Hate' Giuseppe Orlando of the gothic metal band Novembre and Outer Sound Studios (Where most Stormlord releases are recorded and produced) has contributed a few growled vocal lines throughout Stormlord's career, notably on 'Dimension: Hate', '...And Winter Was' and 'Stormlord'. The band has released following albums: - The Supreme Art of War (1999, Last Episode) - At the Gates of Utopia (2001, Scarlet Record...

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