Talco's project starts off within December 1999 and January 2000 as a politic ska-core band composed of Tomaso (vocals + guitar), Daniele (guitar) and Nicola (drums). During their first period Rocco (guitar) takes over in while Daniele begins to play bass: the most important arrival is, though, the one of Riccardo at the trumpet. With him the band starts playing around, starting with a ska festival, in Lugo di Romagna (Ravenna., Italy). 11 live tracks are recorded in the month of October 2000 as a first raw demotape, followed in April 2001 by a studio recording (Lesder Studio, Mogliano Veneto): the 6 songs include the first year of the band, directed to a combat ska-punk, rappresented by bands like Clash, Banda Bassotti, Arpioni, Senza Sicura, Los Fastidios, Derozer, etc... In the same month Rocco, far from the band's ideals, leaves the band and Emanuele, old friend, politically and musically well syntonized with the rest of the group, takes his place. In the same period the wind section grows bigger, with Ilaria (tenor sax) and Davide (alto sax). This is the beginning of two years of concerts and socio-political interest. Here are some memories: Ponte nelle Alpi (Belluno): Talco open Alberto Camerini'show, playing a new song, Tutti Assolti, written to protest against the absoved people of the Petrolchimico of Marghera, where 160 workers died bacause of the factories' pollution. They entertain the audience (300 people) for a hour, closing with the eternal Bella Ciao. In May-...
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Top Tracks
Bella Ciao
Testamento Di Un Buffone
Il Passo Del Caciurdo
Combat Circus
la carovana
La Sedia Vuota
A La Patchanka
Oro Nero
La Fabbrica Del Dissenso
La Torre
Venghino Signori Venghino
L'Odore della Morte
La Mano De Dios
Tarantella Dell'Ultimo Bandito
Radio Aut
Diari Perduti
Il Mio Tempo
Punta Raisi
La Parabola Dei Battagghi
L'Era Del Contrario
11 Settembre '73
60 Anni
Il Treno
Mazel Tov
Signor Presidente
Nel Villaggio
La Crociata del Dittatore Bianco
Tutti Assolti
St. Pauli
Il Lamento Del Mare
Notti Cilene
Correndo Solo
Danza dell'Autunno Rosa
Dalla Grotta
Al Carneval
La Cretina Commedia
Perduto Maggio
St. Pauli (Bonus)
La Mia Terra
la casa dell'impunita
Onda Pazza
Gran galà
La mia città
Ultima Età
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