The Belgian synthpop group Telex was formed in 1978 by Marc Moulin, Dan Lacksman and Michel Moers, with the intention of Making something really European, different from rock, without guitar - and the idea was electronic music. (Marc Moulin) Mixing the aesthetics of disco, punk and experimental electronic music, they released a stripped-down synthesized cover version of Twist à St. Tropez by Les Chats Sauvages. They followed up with an ultra-slow cover of Rock Around the Clock, a hilariously relaxed and dispassionate version of one-hit-wonder Plastic Bertrand's punk song Ça Plane Pour Moi, and a perversely mechanical cover of Dance to the Music, originally by Sly Stone. Like Kraftwerk, Telex built their music entirely from electronic instruments, and the sounds of the two groups have a certain similarity. However, unlike Kraftwerk's studied Teutonic irony, Telex favour a more joyously irreverent humour. Their debut album, Looking for Saint Tropez, featured the worldwide hit single Moskow Diskow, one of the first ever electronic dance/pop songs. In 1980 Telex's manager asked them to enter for the Eurovision Song Contest. They entered, and were eventually sent to the finals, although they apparently hoped to come last: We had hoped to finish last, but Portugal decided otherwise. We got ten points from them and finished on the 19th spot. (Marc Moulin) Their song Euro-Vision was a cheerful bleepy song with deliberately banal lyrics about the contest itself. The Eurovision...
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Top Tracks
Moskow Diskow
Dance To The Music
Rock Around The Clock
Ca Plane pour moi
L'amour Toujours
Tour De France
Moscow Discow
We Are All Getting Old
En Route Vers De Nouvelles Aventures
On The Road Again
Something to say
Raised By snakes
Rendez-vous dans l'espace
Twist à St Tropez
My Time
Spike Jones
The Voice
I Don't Like Music
How Do You Dance?
Plus De Distance
Cafe de la Jungle
Someday - Un Jour
Twist A Saint-Tropez
La Bamba
Dingo Bells
Sigmund Freud's Party
Haven't We Met Somewhere Before?
Beautiful li(f)e
Temporary Chicken
Le Fond de L'Air Est Rouge
Second Hand
Café De La Jungle
#1 Song In Heaven
Twist A St. Tropez
Exercise Is Good For You
My Future
Ave Fifi
J'Aime La Vie
Drama, Drama
ça plane pour moi
Moskow Diskow (Maxi)
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