Thrice is an American rock band that formed in Irvine, California in 1998. The lineup consists of Dustin Kensrue (vocals and guitar), Teppei Teranishi (guitar, keys), Eddie Breckenridge (bass), and Riley Breckenridge (drums). In 2000, Thrice signed with Sub City Records and released two LP's. The first, Identity Crisis (2000), only received 1.5 stars in the AMG review and little buzz. The second, The Illusion of Safety (2002), was widely acclaimed and received attention from major record labels. Even though Thrice's music has always included metal influences, The Illusion of Safety contained a heavier metalcore sound. The album was recorded in Beltsville, Maryland and the track The Beltsville Crucible reflects this. In 2003 Thrice signed up with Island Records and released The Artist in the Ambulance, which featured more metal oriented songs while keeping true to their hardcore influences. In 2005 a DVD outlining their entire career to date was released under the title If We Could Only See Us Now. It included a CD with live tracks from the Apple Store and various b-sides. Thrice released their fourth full-length album, Vheissu, on October 18, 2005. The album was characterized by many critics as being experimentally different, using non-traditional Thrice elements in the process. From keyboard melodies (For Miles) to Japanese music-box undertones (Music Box) to chain gang chant choruses (The Earth Will Shake), Vheissu introduced a new sound to the band's post-hardcore roo...
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Top Tracks
The Artist In The Ambulance
Stare At The Sun
All That's Left
Under A Killing Moon
Image Of The Invisible
Paper Tigers
Red Sky
Cold Cash and Colder Hearts
Digital Sea
The Melting Point Of Wax
The Abolition Of Man
Hoods On Peregrine
Blood Clots And Black Holes
Of Dust And Nations
Don't Tell And We Won't Ask
The Earth Will Shake
Moving Mountains
For Miles
Between The End And Where We Lie
Music Box
Kill Me Quickly
Silver Wings
Hold Fast Hope
See You In The Shallows
Like Moths To Flame
Send Me An Angel
Come All You Weary
To Awake and Avenge the Dead
Betrayal Is A Symptom
A Subtle Dagger
Open Water
Stand And Feel Your Worth
The Red Death
The Messenger
In Years To Come
Broken Lungs
So Strange I Remember You
A Song For Milly Michaelson
A Living Dance Upon Dead Minds
Where Idols Once Stood
The Whaler
The Lion And The Wolf
All The World Is Mad
The Beltsville Crucible
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