There are at least five bands with this name: 1). Tormentor is a Hungarian blackened thrash metal band brought to existence over two decades ago, more precisely in the beginning of 1987. The band has done two demos, namely: “The 7th Day of Doom” and “Anno Domini”. Both were recorded in 1988. “Anno Domini” was also recorded as an album. Tormentor’s vocalist Attila Csihar, who’s now quite famous for his insane and inhuman way of using his voice, was later asked to do the vocals on Mayhem’s then long awaited “De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas” album. Tormentor was also offered a deal on Euronymous’ cult label Deathlike Silence Productions, but due to a lot of difficulties it was delayed and for obvious reasons the deal between Tormentor and DSP never happened in the end. NAP managed after a while to get hold of the original DAT master to “Anno Domini”, and was kindly granted the exclusive rights for the recording by Mr. Csihar. NAP put out the “Anno Domini” album in 1995. It was also put out on limited edition LP (in co-operation with Head Not Found) and on limited edition picture disc (in co-operation with American label The Ajna Offensive). The band itself actually split up in 1991, but was later reformed. 2). Tormentor (Germany), nowadays known as Kreator. 3). Tormentor(Germany-Guben, Brandenburg)-new old school thrash band formed in 2006 featuring 2 members that are only 13 years old!! If they stick to their guns, they will be a force to reckon ...
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Top Tracks
Elisabeth Bathory
Tormentor I
Damned Grave
In Gate of Hell
Tormentor II
Anno Domini
Elizabeth Bathory
Branded by Satan
Infinite Darkness
Live in Damnation
Dance of Swords
Recipe Ferrum!
Paprika Jancsi
The Little Match Girl
Iron County
Cara Mia
Hany Istók
Seventh Day of Doom
Intro - Dracula
Armies of Hell
Intro - Paprika Jancsi
Cry War
Intro - Iron County
Tormentor I.
The 7th Day Of Doom
Bone Breaker
Intro - Recipe Ferrum
Intro - Tormentor
Tormentor II.
A Hetszunyu Kaponyanyi Monyok
Intro - Recipe Ferrum!
Intro (spoken)
Intro-Recipe Ferrum
Black Area
Messenger from Burning Hell
Intro-Iron County
Call for Sanity
the hidden beholder
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