1. A rock band founded 1989 ; Karlsruhe, Germany. 2. An ethno jazz band from Moldova. 3. Band from Finland ; 2005 became Smokesuit. 4. Finnish guy making Trance/Electro/IDM solo-projects. 5. German ensemble playing early music: http://www.ensemble-trigon.de/ 6. Canadian power trio http://www.trigonband.com/ 1. A German based band formed in 1989 in Karlsruhe by the brothers Stefan Lange and Rainer Lange. Their history is carved by the numerous changes in line-up which contributed to Trigon's creative potential as the band draws heavily on jamming as a source for their music, thus the input of each band member adds to the overall flavour of their music. Trigon came alive in 1989, after its predecessors continually lost its lead singers. With Ralf Wochele on drums (later drummer of Fool's Garden) Trigon's first studio CD Nova was recorded. When Ralf developed an increasingly pop-orientated style Thomas Zimmer (Purple Haze) took on the job as stickman. In this line-up they appeared several times at the Karlsruhe's Schauburg Jazzfest. When it became obvious that Thomas preferred to play cover music rather than develop original material he passed the sticks to Kirk Erickson (Seak Preview). In this new line-up the band jammed for several years until Kirk moved back to the USA. Next on drums came Daniel Beckmann (Ishni) who had been introduced to the band by Kirk and Trigon recorded their second studio album Beschraenkte Haftung. Daniel brought a fresh creative impulse to the band a...
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Coitus Trigonus Continuum
Barbarischer Akt der Synchronizität
Designierte Düsternis
Aural-Verkehr mit Frickelposition
Trigonometrischer Aufgriff
Explicit Lyrics
Kamasutra Debakel
Peitscht das kamel
Kognitive Dissonanz
Vaporisiert das alles
Fette Beute
Decadence and Corruption
Das vibriert nicht serienmäßig
Verbiegt die Kontrollen zum Herz der Sonne
Raff an Dörte
Blue Time
Ein Ton schrägt durch den Raum
Tückischer Tonterror
Spacechick strikes back
Space Chick strikes back
Wunder werden billigend in Kauf genommen
Lederne Beistelldamen
You do fräsend
Wenn wir dich rauchen schreien wir
Archaische Extasetechniken
Zeitgeistbedingte Unfälle
Aural-Verkehr in Frickelposition
Trigonesse oblige
Ein kleines brachiales Machwerk
Dekadenz und Korruption
Die üblichen Verdächtigen
Willkür und Tücke
Mission Critical Dropout
Roter Mond
Lume, Lume
Tri F
Trenul Vechi
Fata Morgana
Old mill
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